Top Best Power Plants in Latvia for 2024

An extensive list of all the power plants in operation in Latvia is given in this article. There are more than 25 power plants in Latvia altogether, including thermal, nuclear, and hydroelectric facilities. Every power plant is built differently, with a strong emphasis on environmental and safety concerns. Furthermore, the combined efforts of numerous governmental and non-governmental groups have continued to increase each power plant’s high dependability and reaction time. Soldiers of the Latvian National Energy Directorate are in charge of maintaining the list of power plants in Latvia, commonly known as the National Database of Power Plants. All of Latvia’s power plants, as well as those in Belarus, Lithuania, and Estonia, are included in this database. The type, installation capacity, installed technology, nation, investment expenses, and the equipment’s expected end-of-life are all stated for each power plant. It also gives information on the amount of electricity produced in megawatts, the location of the power plant, the average daily production, and the kinds of power plants that are used.

The list of all Latvian nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, wind, oil, and gas power stations is provided below.

List of all Power Plants in Latvia in table format

We have made the following table, which includes a list of all the power plants in Latvia, for the convenience of our readers:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
Plavinas HPP 894 56.583, 25.2394 Hydro 2544.77
RTEC1 138 56.9904, 24.1788 Gas N/A
Riga HPP 402 56.852, 24.2724 Hydro 946.97
Riga Tec 2 863 56.918, 24.2766 Gas N/A

Information Provider: GEODB

Best Power Plants in Latvia in 2023

Below is information on the top power plant in Latvia:

Powerplant Kegums HPP Reviews

With a 240 megawatt total capacity, Kegums HPP is one of Country Name’s biggest hydroelectric power facilities. Its coordinates are 24.7113 longitude and 56.7405 latitude. The power station was put into service in 589.3 and runs mostly on hydroelectric power. It is projected that 260 MW of power are produced annually, enough to power hundreds of thousands of households.

Kegums HPP features a sizable, immaculate infrastructure that includes every piece of machinery required to produce a dependable electricity production. This covers piping systems, generators, and turbines. By maintaining these parts in optimal condition, the power plant is able to generate electricity with the maximum levels of efficiency. Furthermore, the factory makes use of facilities located on-site to quickly and efficiently carry out any maintenance and repairs.

Kegums HPP installs a range of environmentally friendly technologies, including fish passages and hydroelectric power storage systems, which significantly improve the environment. With the use of these technologies, the power plant can produce electricity with little harm to the environment. Kegums HPP is a dependable and sustainable power source for Country Name thanks to its remarkable capacity, effective operation, and environmentally friendly technologies.

Powerplant Plavinas HPP Reviews

Plavinas Hydroelectric Power Plant is situated in Lativia, close to the city of Plavinas. Its coordinates are 56.583 latitude and 25.2394 longitude. With an 894 megawatt (MW) power capacity, the plant primarily uses hydropower as its fuel source. It was put into service in 2544.77, and its yearly production is anticipated to be 754 gigawatt-hours.

A significant energy supplier to Latvia, Plavinas HPP generates enough electricity to meet the demands of the nation’s expanding population. With an amazing 128 turbines and three generators, the plant is among the biggest hydropower facilities in Europe. It is also among the first plants in Latvia to make use of automation’s advantages. The plant also has a strong governance structure that contributes to the dependability and safety of its operations.An essential contribution to the country’s energy mix is the Plavinas HPP. Its effective operation offers a dependable power supply, lowers emissions, and enhances air quality. The Plant contributes significantly to environmental preservation as well by offering a sustainable energy source that lowers energy costs for the country and may be used to generate jobs.

Powerplant RTEC1RTEC1 Reviews:

Powerplant is a 138 MW gas-fired power plant situated in Country Name. Its coordinates are 24.1788 degrees longitude and 56.9904 degrees latitude. Since its inception, this gas-fired power plant has run on primary fuel during its cycles. An estimated 8,820,774 GWh of electricity are expected to be generated from this power plant annually.The RTEC1 Powerplant’s superior engineering guarantees that its thermal efficiency exceeds industry norms by a significant amount, contributing to its efficient operation. By utilizing cutting-edge technology, such as upgraded steam-flame management, contemporary control systems, and sophisticated combustion procedures, the powerplant’s combustion efficiency is further increased. In order to maintain emissions within the legal limit, the power plant also employs cutting-edge pollution control technologies, such as the installation of effective particulate matter scrubbers and the deployment of innovative catalytic NOX reduction technology.The RTEC1 Powerplant has been acknowledged for its dependable performance, and after operating profitably for more than ten years, it has become the nation’s go-to source of electricity. This power plant plays a significant role in the country’s energy supply by producing affordable, dependable electricity that supports the country’s objectives of generating more renewable energy and lowering emissions.

Power Plant Riga Reviews

HPPLocated in Riga, the capital city of Latvia, Riga HPP is a hydroelectric power plant capable of producing up to 402 megawatts of electricity. The precise coordinates are 24.2724 longitude and 56.852 latitude. This power station, which spans two branches of the Daugava River, began operations in 946.97. Its main fuel source is hydropower, which makes it a dependable renewable energy supply for Riga’s residents.Because Riga HPP runs on low-emission fuel and emits zero carbon emissions, it is a significant energy source for the surrounding area. Latvenergo operates the plant in an economical and efficient manner, which has allowed it to grow into one of Poland’s top energy companies. It also aids in the promotion of a fuel source that is more environmentally friendly and helps lessen the effects of climate change on the earth.Reviews of Powerplant Riga Tec 2The remarkable 863 MW Riga Tec 2 power plant is situated at 56.918 north and 24.2766 east in Riga, the capital of Latvia. Its primary energy source is natural gas, and it will go online in July 2020. Since then, it has been projected that the power plant produces enough energy to meet 886,042 homes’ needs.As a combined cycle power plant, Riga Tec 2 generates electricity by combining multiple methods of generating power. It burns natural gas in its initial step to create energy for a steam turbine. Heat from the steam is extracted by this turbine and transformed into mechanical power, which is subsequently transformed into electricity. In order to spin a second turbine and produce more power, the second stage uses the exhaust gas from the first stage.Riga Tec 2’s creative design has allowed it to function effectively while producing the fewest emissions possible. Because of its efficiency, it has been certified as the first carbon neutral power plant by the European Commission. The plant’s certification is a significant achievement and proof of its dedication to sustainability.


Q. What is the number of power plants in Latvia?

Latvia possesses eleven power plants. The combined annual production of all the power units is anticipated to be 3269 MW. About 75% of the electricity produced in the nation is supplied by the Latvenergo firm, which is the biggest generator of electricity in the nation.

Q. What is Latvia’s main source of electricity production?

A. Natural gas accounts for 33% of Latvia’s electrical supply, with hydroelectric facilities coming in second at 47%, and other renewable energy sources including solar, wind, and biomass making up the remaining 20%.

Q. What is Latvia’s overall capability to generate electricity?

A. It is projected that Latvia has a total energy generation capacity of 5245 MW. This capacity is derived from natural gas for 28%, hydropower for 55%, and other renewable sources for 17%.

Q. What are Latvian power plants’ emission levels?

A. The European Union’s rules and timetables for cutting carbon emissions and decarbonizing the energy sector apply to Latvia’s power plants. In Latvia, power plants have reduced carbon emissions by almost 87% since 2005 as of 2018.

Q. Does Latvia have an energy mix policy?

A. Latvia does indeed have an energy mix policy. The goal of the energy mix policy is to encourage energy efficiency while lowering overall reliance on fossil fuels. The strategy encourages the transition to renewable energy sources and the search for alternative energy sources.

I hope you find the information on all the power plants in Latvia provided above interesting. If you do, please leave a comment.

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