Top Best Power Plants in Iraq for 2024

Iraq is a nation that relies heavily on oil and has a well-established energy sector. Iraq has produced electricity for its people by using a variety of power plants over the years. These power stations use sun, wind, and hydropower in addition to coal and gas. An extensive list of all the power plants in Iraq may be found in this article. Each power plant’s location, generation type, capacity, and current state are all included. This list also covers the advantages and disadvantages of each power plant, along with the environmental hazards associated with each. It is significant to remember that the continuous violence in Iraq has resulted in damage or destruction to numerous of these power plants. This list might not be totally accurate as a result. Nonetheless, it is a useful tool for anyone wishing to learn more about Iraq’s energy system.

The list of all Iraqi nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, wind, oil, and gas power stations is provided below.

List of all Power Plants in Iraq in table format

We have made the following table, which includes a list of all the power plants in Iraq, for the convenience of our readers:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
Al-Shemal 2100 36.0547, 43.2961 Oil N/A
Darbandikhan Dam 248 35.1129, 45.7053 Hydro 806.99
Dokan Dam 400 35.9542, 44.571 Hydro 629.24
Haditha Dam 660 34.207, 42.355 Hydro 2215.24

Information Provider: WRI

Best Power Plants in Iraq in 2023

Below is information on the top power plant in Iraq:

Powerplant Adhaim Dam Reviews

Adhaim Dam is a hydroelectric power plant situated at 34.5649, 44.5156 in Iraq. The power plant, which has a 27MW capacity, started up in 68.13. It is predicted to produce around the same quantity of power that it did when it first began to run.

Using the kinetic energy of flowing water, electricity is produced to produce hydroelectric power. It is one of the most widely used renewable energy sources, along with geothermal, wind, and solar energy. Adhaim Dam’s turbines measure the velocity and flow of water in order to effectively produce energy. Furthermore, there are no emissions from the power plant.

Iraq is making efforts to have more dependable and sustainable energy sources available to it, including the Adhaim Dam. At the moment, hydroelectric power plants provide around half of Iraq’s electricity production. Adhaim Dam’s enormous capacity and location alongside the Tigris and Euphrates rivers will make it a valuable asset in the nation’s endeavors to enhance the accessibility of renewable energy sources. This will enhance energy security and assist in lowering Iraq’s emissions.

Powerplant Al-Shemal Reviews

The Al-Shemal Powerplant is situated in Iraq, with coordinates of 36.0547 latitude and 43.2961 longitude, respectively. It started operating in 2008 and has a 2100 megawatt capacity. The power plant uses oil fuel as its main source of energy. It is anticipated that 3162 gigawatt-hours of electricity are produced annually using this conventional way of power generating.

The environmentally friendly Al-Shemal Powerplant was built to supply Iraq with the energy it needs. The plant’s technology is cutting edge and effective, with sophisticated control systems to monitor and manage the energy stream. The plant is also made to use the most recent technologies and emission control systems with the least possible negative effects on the environment.

Iraq’s Al-Shemal Power Plant is a crucial piece of infrastructure since it guarantees the people of the nation a consistent supply of electricity and energy. It is also a major factor in Iraq’s economic stability because it offers a consistent energy supply that is advantageous to the nation’s enterprises and industries. The Al-Shemal Powerplant, which has an energy capacity of 3162 Gigawatt-hours, is a dependable energy source in Iraq and will remain crucial to the expansion and development of the nation.

Powerplant Darbandikhan Dam Reviews

A hydroelectric power plant called the Darbandikhan Dam is situated in Iraq at the meeting point of the Little Zab and Diyala Rivers. It started operating in 2006 and can hold 248 megawatts of power. The power plant’s precise coordinates are 35.1129 latitude and 45.7053 longitude. The adjacent Zab River is the dam’s main source of hydropower, which has produced more than 806.99 gigawatt-hours since it opened for business. This gives many people in the area access to renewable energy and is sufficient to power over 681,000 homes. In addition, the Dam supplies water and is used for irrigation and flood control.

Powerplant Dokan Dam Reviews:

The 400 MW Dokan Dam power plant is situated in Iraq and is located at coordinates 35.9542, 44.571. It represents the country’s dedication to environmental preservation and conservation. Hydroelectric electricity is the main fuel used by these power facilities. The dam was constructed to diversify Iraq’s energy sources and meet the country’s growing energy demand. It began operations in 629.24 and is anticipated to produce power yearly. It is situated on the Tigris River, close to the settlement of Sharwa, in the northern governorate of Ninawa. The dam is 765 meters long and 94 meters high, and it is a concrete gravity type. The power station features five turbines with a 400 MW total capacity. The grid, a few local businesses, and a few communities all receive power produced by the dam.

Powerplant Haditha Dam Reviews:

Haditha Dam is a hydroelectric power plant situated in the Al Anbar Governorate of Iraq, at latitude 34.207 and longitude 42.355. The dam also provides water for irrigation to nearby farms. It has been in service since 2215.24 and has an estimated 660 MW of electricity producing capacity. Being a run-of-the-river plant, the facility doesn’t need a lake or reservoir to function. Its electricity production is entirely dependent on the water from the Euphrates River’s natural circumstances. The lower Euphrates River Basin, which includes the dam, has a 944 million m3 total capacity for water storage. It contains three Francis turbine generators that must produce 660 MW at a minimum discharge of 581 m3/s and a maximum flow of 925 m3/s. The Haditha Dam is a significant hydroelectric power source that contributes to the region’s income generation while also helping to meet the needs of the nearby towns and cities for electricity.


Q. Does Iraq have any nuclear power plants?

A. No, Iraq does not currently have a nuclear power facility. Iraq lacks a nuclear power facility as a result of multiple international sanctions.

Q. Which are Iraq’s main sources of electricity generation?

A. The World Bank reports that Iraq’s main energy sources are renewable energy (5%), crude oil (42%), and natural gas (53%).

Q. What difficulties does Iraq’s energy sector face?

A. The energy sector in Iraq is confronted with several major challenges, such as outdated infrastructure, declining technical and operational efficiency, security concerns, absence of competitively structured energy markets, and insufficient knowledge management capacity within the sector.

Q. What are the main sources of electricity generation in Iraq?

A. Iraq mostly generates its electricity from gas, oil, and renewable energy sources like hydropower, solar energy, wind, and photovoltaics. At present, oil-fired power plants account for over 60% of all installed capacity, making them the primary source of electricity.

Q. What goals does the Iraqi government have in mind for producing electricity?

A. By 2030, the Iraqi government hopes to have increased the nation’s overall capacity for producing electricity in order to satisfy demand. Plans to add 24 more gigawatts over the following ten years are included in this. Furthermore, the government is investigating modernizing the power plants that are currently in place.

I hope you find the information about all the power plants in Iraq provided above interesting. If you do, please leave a comment. Otherwise, we would appreciate hearing from you.

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