Top Best Power Plants in Gabon for 2024

Among the West African nations with substantial economic potential is Gabon. It is also among the nations in the region with the quickest rates of growth. It is home to some of the most cutting-edge and inventive companies, and the nation’s power plants provide a sizable portion of its electricity. An extensive list of all the power plants in Gabon is given in this page. It contains specifics about the power plants that are presently in use around the nation, together with data on the kind of power produced, the quantity of energy produced, and the plant owners/operators. Gabon’s energy needs are growing, thus having a dependable energy supply and knowledge of the nation’s existing power plants is crucial. With the help of this list, consumers may investigate the many power options in Gabon and select the one that best suits their energy requirements.

The list of all Gabonese nuclear, hydro, solar, wind, oil, and gas power stations is provided below.

List of all Power Plants in Gabon in table format

We have made the following table, which includes a list of all the power plants in Gabon, for the convenience of our readers:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
Owendo 77 0.3433, 9.4784 Gas N/A
Port-Gentil 68.3 -0.7539, 8.7536 Gas N/A
Poubara 160 -1.7733, 13.552 Hydro 474.54
Rabi 15.51 -1.9, 9.4833 Oil N/A
Tchimbele 68.4 0.621, 10.407 Hydro 205.46

Information Provider: Power Africa

Best Power Plants in Gabon in 2023

Below is information on the top power plant in Gabon:

Powerplant Kinguele Reviews

2020 saw the construction of the Kinguele power plant in Lushoto, Tanzania. It falls within the hydroelectric power station category and has a capacity of 174.6 MW. The coordinates of the power plant are 0.455 longitude and 57.6 latitude. Hydroelectricity is this power plant’s main fuel source. The Kinguele power plant is expected to produce 10.281 GW of electricity, which will be sufficient to power the neighboring communities.

It is anticipated that the Kinguele power plant will contribute to the local community’s increased environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. It will minimize pollution from using fossil fuels and make the best use of the energy found in the nearby rivers. Consequently, this will contribute to better air quality and a healthier atmosphere for the local population. In addition to generating jobs for the local population, the electricity produced by this power plant will support regional economic development.

Powerplant Owendo Reviews

North Africa is home to the gas-fired power plant Owendo. With an installed capacity of 77 megawatts, it was constructed in 1977. The location of the power plant is 9.4784 longitude and 0.3433 latitude. At Owendo, gas is the main fuel used to produce electricity. Since its construction in 1977, the power plant has been in operation, producing an estimated 77 megawatts of electricity for the surrounding area.

In North Africa, where power is essential to daily living, Owendo is a component of the energy mix. Gas use helps the power plant run as efficiently as possible while also having a less environmental impact because it emits fewer emissions than other energy sources. In addition to lowering electricity costs, the power plant improves regional energy security by lowering the cost of electricity.

Since it began providing energy to the area in 1977, Owendo has established itself as one of the most dependable sources. The plant’s great efficiency has made it possible for it to rank among the region’s top electricity producers. Consequently, this has enhanced the dependability of the power supply, assisting in guaranteeing consistent electricity supplies for nearby consumers. There is little doubt that its substantial impact on the energy sector has made many North Africans’ lives better.

Powerplant Port-Gentil Reviews

A power facility called Port-Gentil is situated in Gabon at latitude 68.3 and longitude -0.7539. With an estimated 8.7536 MW of power output capacity, gas is the major fuel used in this power plant. The Gabonese people may now get dependable and reasonably priced electricity thanks to the establishment of this power plant in 2017.

Modern technologies and sophisticated systems are installed in Port-Gentil, a state-of-the-art power plant, to guarantee the production of electricity in a sustainable manner. The most recent requirements for energy efficiency, environmental emissions, and safety were met during the design and construction of this power plant. Port-Gentil uses clean, renewable energy sources including solar, wind, and natural gas to generate electricity, which lowers emissions and guarantees Gabon’s energy security.

One of the largest and most seasoned electricity suppliers in the nation, the Electricity Company of Gabon (ECG), is in charge of the Port-Gentil power plant. This power plant supplies dependable energy to homes and businesses while also contributing to the nation’s electrical infrastructure improvement. Port-Gentil is assisting in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring a dependable energy supply for the area by utilizing renewable energy sources and advanced technology.

Powerplant Poubara Reviews

Poubara Power Plant is a hydroelectric facility close to latitude 13.552 and longitude -1.7733 in Congo. The 160MW power plant was put into service in 2012, and its yearly power generation is projected to be 474.54 Gigawatt-hours (GWh). The is anticipated to lessen the country’s electricity deficit and plays a significant role in supplying power to the people of Congo.

The construction of the Poubara Hydroelectric Power Plant is a component of a larger infrastructure initiative aimed at expanding Congo’s access to energy. It is anticipated to assist reduce the country’s energy scarcity and expand electricity availability to communities around the region. The installation of a hydroelectric power plant will certainly increase the nation’s level of energy security and advance Congo’s ambitions for renewable energy.

Powerplant Rabi Reviews

With a 15.51 megawatt capacity, Rabi Power Plant is one of the biggest in the nation and is situated at latitude 9.4833 and longitude -1.9. This power plant runs primarily on oil, and it is projected to have commenced operations in 2017. This power station is projected to have produced 6.16 GWh of electricity thus far. The nation will greatly benefit from this power plant in terms of stable and sustainable electricity access.

The Rabi Power Plant is outfitted with cutting-edge technologies and employs a range of strategies to guarantee maximum energy efficiency. In order to reduce the negative effects of operation, it adheres to a strict policy of pollution management. The plant’s installed emission control systems contribute to a decrease in noise and air pollution. Furthermore, in an effort to lessen its environmental impact, this power plant has included renewable energy technologies.

Because of its capacity and cutting-edge technologies, Rabi is one of the nation’s best power plants. Additionally, a rise in the nation’s overall electricity generation is anticipated. The plant helps to create a cleaner environment in addition to supplying steady, sustainable power.

Powerplant Tchimbele Reviews

With an anticipated electricity generation of 205.46 MW, the Tchimbele power plant, situated at -0.621 latitude and 10.407 longitude, has an installed capacity of 68.4 MW. Established in 2005, this hydro power plant runs on hydro as its major fuel.

The goal of building the Tchimbele power plant was to utilize the enormous potential of hydro energy in order to provide affordable power to the local population. Providing clean energy to meet the demands of both rural and urban residents, it is the largest hydro power plant in the area. Minimizing the usage of fossil fuels also contributes to lessening the effects of global warming.

To produce energy, the Tchimbele power plant uses the flow of several streams. It uses a variety of dams and turbines to make the most effective use possible of the water that is available. To reduce power loss and increase turbine efficiency, a sophisticated monitoring system is employed. The facility also generates an environmentally sustainable power supply that is dependable and safe.


Q. What is the total installed power capacity of Gabon?

A. As of 2019, Gabon has 1,308 megawatts of installed electrical capacity. The majority of power is produced by traditional sources, which include thermal, hydro, and crude-based energy sources. Eleven percent of the capacity is derived from renewable resources.

Q. What is the dependency of Gabon on coal-based power?

A. By 2020, Gabon will rely on coal-fired electricity generation very little. Approximately 5% of the installed capacity is derived from coal-based power.

Q. Is Gabon looking to increase its power capacity?

A. Yes, through a number of planned power plants that will draw energy from numerous sources, Gabon hopes to boost its power capacity. A few of these plants are now in the development stage and have already received approval.

Q. What are the major sources of power in Gabon?

A. Hydropower accounts for over 70% of Gabon’s installed capacity, making it the country’s main energy source. Thermal and crude-based sources are examples of additional sources. Roughly 11% of the installed capacity comes from renewable sources as well.

Q. What is the average cost of electricity in Gabon?

A. Depending on the kind of consumer, Gabon’s average power price fluctuates. The average price for residential consumers is around 384 Francs per kilowatt-hour (XAF/kWh). The average cost per kWh for commercial and industrial users is approximately 187 XAF.

I hope you find the information about all the power plants in Gabon provided above to be interesting. If you do, please leave a comment.

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