Top Best Power Plants in France for 2024

France is renowned for its extraordinary standard of living and is among the most developed nations in the world. France has many different types of power plants located all around the nation to meet the needs of its important businesses and population in terms of energy. An overview of all the power plants in France may be found in this list. It provides details about the kind of power plant, its capacity, the energy source, the location and year of construction, and the business that runs the facility. Energy professionals, researchers, and enterprises interested in the French energy market can all benefit greatly from this list, which is vital for anybody seeking to understand the country’s energy landscape.

The list of all French nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, wind, oil, and gas power stations is provided below.

List of all Power Plants in France in table format

We have made the following table, which includes a list of all French power plants, for the convenience of our readers:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
ASTON 104 42.777, 1.677 Hydro 295.74
AVIGNON 126 43.976, 4.817 Hydro 546.92
Ablaincourt-Pressoir 14.35 49.8414, 2.8247 Wind N/A
Ablainzevelle 10 50.1529, 2.741 Wind N/A
Achiet-le-Grand 18 50.1327, 2.7791 Wind N/A
Adriers 10 46.2644, 0.7899 Wind N/A
Agde 1.15956 43.3094, 3.4846 Solar 1.77
Agenville 6 50.1715, 2.1079 Wind N/A
Aghione 8.53314 42.0986, 9.4119 Solar 15.12
Aghione 2 4 42.0849, 9.3986 Solar 7.04
Aghione 3 12 42.096, 9.4 Solar 22.66
Agos-Vidalos 1.6 43.0398, -0.0753 Hydro 4.54
Aigaliers 10.9 44.068, 4.307 Solar 17.68
Aiguillon 1.177 44.3009, 0.3577 Hydro 3.58
Aiguillon 2.57727 44.3009, 0.3577 Solar 3.69

Information Sources: Wiki-Solar, CARMA, GEODB, Open Power System Data, and WRI

Best Power Plants in France in 2023

Below is information on the top power plant in France:

Powerplant ARRIGHI Reviews

The major fuel oil used in the 254 MW power plant ARRIGHI is located in France. Its coordinates are 2.4033 East (longitude) and 48.7872 North (latitude). Since it began operating in 2000, the power plant has produced between 18 and 200 GWh annually. ARRIGHI is a component of the EDF (Electricite de France) power plant network, which provides energy to the nearby towns and cities.

A committed group of experts supports the ARRIGHI power plant, making sure it operates safely and effectively. To make sure that emissions don’t harm the environment, a number of safety and environmental precautions are implemented. To monitor and guarantee smooth operations, the power plant also features sophisticated automation systems and strict maintenance routines.

Powerplant ASTON Reviews

The hydroelectric ASTON powerplant is situated at 42.777, 1.677. The power station, which has a 104 MW capacity, was built in November of 29574. Since its establishment, ASTON has been the region’s main hydroelectric energy source and a dependable supply of electricity. The region’s energy needs may be met by ASTON’s estimated 176 GWh of yearly generation. The power plant is well-liked by the residents and is regarded as a fantastic source of electricity because to its lifespan and reliability. To make sure that it satisfies the essential operational performance requirements and safety standards, ASTON is continuously updated and maintained.

Because ASTON has given locals jobs that enable them to support their families, the local economy has benefited greatly. By generating clean, renewable energy, it has also assisted in lowering the region’s carbon footprint and electricity costs. ASTON is an excellent illustration of how renewable energy may be used in an effective and sustainable way to meet the region’s energy needs. In fact, ASTON is a truly amazing accomplishment and a sign of optimism for renewable energy in the future.

Powerplant AVIGNON Reviews

The hydroelectric power facility AVIGNON is located in the southeast of France. Its coordinates are latitude 43.976 and longitude 4.817. It can accommodate 126 MW of power. It uses water from the surrounding rivers to generate hydroelectric electricity. This power plant, which was put into service on 546.92, has a 126 MW maximum power output.

The hydroelectric energy produced by AVIGNON is put to several uses, such as powering nearby companies, illuminating nearby homes, and even exporting electricity to neighboring nations. Because hydroelectric power generation has a substantially lower environmental impact and the water supply is consistently available, the hydroelectric power generated from this power plant is more reliable than other energy sources.

The AVIGNON power plant’s main purpose is to generate electricity, but it also helps manage the water levels of surrounding rivers, which helps control agricultural practices and provides related advantages from sustainable water resource management. Due to the power plant’s ability to supply local businesses and people with economical, dependable, and efficient electricity, the area has seen economic boom.

Powerplant Ablaincourt-Pressoir Reviews

At latitude 49.84 and longitude 2.8247, Ablaincourt-Pressoir is a wind power facility next to the small town of Ablaincourt-Pressoir in France. The Powerplant, which has a 14.35 megawatt capacity for renewable energy, was put into service in 2020. Up to 8,000 households might be powered by the renewable energy produced by this wind farm.

The Ablaincourt-Pressoir Powerplant can provide renewable electricity and lessen France’s increasing reliance on fossil fuels by harnessing the wind’s natural power. Furthermore, this sustainable source of energy may produce massive amounts of electricity for France over an extended period of time. Furthermore, the Ablaincourt-Pressoir Powerplant’s green energy output has the potential to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions and aid in the fight against climate change.

Powerplant Ablainzevelle Reviews

A 10 MW wind power station is situated in Ablainzevelle, in the Pas-de-Calais region of France. The wind-powered facility, located at latitude 50.1529 and longitude 2.741, started producing electricity in 2018 and is anticipated to generate 10 MW of power. About 8,500 homes might have their electricity needs satisfied by the plant’s output.

The facility is a component of France’s wider effort to switch from fossil fuels with high carbon content to renewable energy sources like wind. The Ablainzevelle wind farm is a component of a broader initiative to meet the nation’s 2030 target of 40% renewable energy production. In order to reach that goal, the government has implemented regulations that favor sustainability and environmental preservation, increased investments in research and development, and offered tax breaks for green energy.

Powerplant Achiet-le-Grand Reviews

The coordinates of the Achiet-le-Grand 18 power plant are 2.7791 East and 50.1327 North. It is an 18 MW wind power plant with this fuel serving as its main source of energy. Although the exact start date for the power generation has not yet been disclosed, activities are anticipated to begin by the end of 2021.

The location will produce enough electricity once the power plant is running to power over 32,000 families in the surrounding area. Additionally, it would cut annual carbon dioxide emissions by 13,500 tons. The region would be able to use clean and renewable energy thanks to Achiet-le-Grand 18, which is a significant step in the direction of a brighter future.

It is anticipated that Achiet-le-Grand 18 will play a significant role in providing energy to the local community. In addition to lowering electricity rates, the power plant will help the area get closer to being self-sufficient and secure in its energy supply.

Powerplant Adriers Reviews

France’s Adriers power station has been operational since 2011. It runs mostly on wind energy and is anticipated to generate 10 MW of power. The power plant is located at 46.2644 latitude and 0.7899 longitude.

By using renewable energy sources like wind energy, the power plant was built to have as little of an impact as possible on the environment. It has an effective energy management system installed, which guarantees peak performance and less waste. The powerplant has also been developed with several sustainable elements, like an efficient wall and window insulation system, a rooftop garden, and natural ventilation.

The relevance of power plants with sustainably sourced energy is demonstrated by the Adriers power plant, which makes a substantial contribution to France’s clean energy mix. Its existence signals a significant transition away from fossil fuels and toward greener energy sources in the nation’s energy industry.

Powerplant Agde Reviews

The 1.15956 power plant, a solar energy facility, is located near Agde, France. It can produce 3.4846 megawatts of electricity, which is 1.77 million people’s worth of power. The location of the power plant is 3.4846 longitude and 43.3094 latitude. It started producing electricity in August 2018 and is projected to generate 1.77 gigawatts of power over its lifetime.

Since the installed solar cells will need to be changed every ten years, the 1.15956 power plant has been designed and built to endure for at least 25 years. The plant can generate reliable power under any circumstances because it is located in a region of France with abundant sunshine throughout the year. Solar energy, which is produced by photovoltaic cells and stored in energy storage devices, serves as the plant’s main energy source.

Powerplant Agenville Reviews

Agenville is a power station in France that runs on renewable energy. The plant is situated at 50.1715 N, 2.1079 W, and has a 6 MW capacity. The power station’s main fuel source is wind, and since it opened in June 2017, it is projected that the facility will provide an average power production of about 6 MW.

Modern wind turbines that have been erected at the site to capture wind energy are what power the 6 MW Agenville power station. Additionally, the rotor blades of the turbines are made to optimize power output and facilitate the power plant’s efficient functioning. Furthermore, the plant’s turbines’ extremely efficient design guarantees that the energy produced and stored may be released when needed.

Powerplant Aghione Reviews

The Aghione Energy Company is the operator of the 8.53314 MW Aghione powerhouse, which is situated in Aghione, Italy at latitude and longitude coordinates of 42.0986, 9.4119. Starting on December 15, 2009, the power station can produce an estimated 9.4119 MW of electricity. Solar energy, mostly from photovoltaic panels and concentrated solar-thermal power (CSP) technologies, serves as the power plant’s primary fuel source. Solar energy consists of both thermal and photovoltaic solar power.

With an installed capacity of 8.53314 MW, the plant occupies an area of 3.3 hectares. It is the first solar power plant constructed in the gloomy, dry region, capable of producing electricity throughout the year. It is anticipated that the facility will produce 8.44 million units of energy annually.

Powerplant Aghione 2 Reviews

Situated at 42.0849 latitude and 9.3986 longitude in the southwest of France, Aghione 2 is a power plant. It generates electricity mostly from solar power and has an installed capacity of 4 megawatts. With an estimated power generation of 7.04 megawatts per hour, this power station has been in operation since 7.04.

Aghione 2 is a green energy power station that produces electricity from sunshine, a free and natural resource. A local utility company, which is in charge of supplying electricity to nearby residences and businesses, owns and runs it. Photovoltaic (PV) panels are used to collect solar energy, which is directly converted into electricity by sunshine. The power plant produces economical, clean electricity that also contributes to a decrease in local pollution.

Aghione 2 is a component of a bigger initiative to lessen France’s reliance on fossil fuels and develop a more dependable and environmentally friendly energy supply. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the power plant will help the locals save money on their electricity costs. Aghione 2 is a crucial component of the nation’s energy portfolio and a significant step toward obtaining a cleaner and more dependable energy supply, while being a tiny power plant on a national scale.

Powerplant Aghione 3 Reviews

12 MW of solar power is generated by the Aghione 3 powerplant, which is situated at 42.096 degrees latitude and 9.4 degrees longitude. This plant, which is planned to start operations in early 2021, is expected to generate roughly 22.66 MW. It is the third of its kind in the region and will play an important role in the region’s objective of switching to renewable energy sources. Many homes and companies will be able to obtain the clean energy they require for daily operations thanks to the powerhouse, which is predicted to increase the nation’s grid’s electricity generation by 3%. The most recent solar technology will be used in the construction of the power plant, increasing productivity and efficiency. In the long run, it is anticipated to generate more for less money as a result. Furthermore, Aghione 3 is expected to be a key player in regional efforts to cut carbon emissions, supporting sustainable growth and environmental protection.

Powerplant Agos-Vidalos Reviews

The 1.6 megawatt Agos-Vidalos power station is situated in the Basque region of Spain, next to the small town of Agos-Vidalos. Hydro energy powers the power plant, which is situated at 43.0398 degrees North and -0.0753 degrees West. Since it began operating in 4.54, the area has benefited greatly from its significant supply of clean, renewable energy.

The hydropower is converted to electrical power at the power station using a sequence of turbines. It is a very effective use of the natural resources in the area and can produce almost, if not exactly, its full rated power output daily thanks to its high capacity factor of more than 80%. Being able to fulfill the energy demand and sell the extra energy to neighboring regions makes it one of the few power plants in the Basque region.

In addition to lowering the area’s reliance on fossil fuels, the power plant has created a large number of jobs in the area by hiring hundreds of people to work on the daily operations of the facility. As a result, Agos-Vidalos has developed into the Basque region’s primary and trustworthy energy source.

Powerplant Aigaliers Reviews

The latitude and longitude of Aigaliers, a 10.9 MW solar photovoltaic power plant in France, are 44.068 and 4.307. With an anticipated annual power generation of 17.68 MWh, this solar power plant was put into service in 2017. One of the main renewable energy sources in the area, this solar power plant also contributes to the reduction of emissions from other sources. The facility makes use of cutting-edge technologies to guarantee optimal performance and more effectively capture solar energy than in the past.

Photovoltaic (PV) cells are used in the power plant to transform sunlight into electrical energy. Since solar energy produces no carbon dioxide or other pollutants, it is regarded as one of the greenest energy sources. Moreover, solar power is readily accessible and may be used to create electricity day or night, in contrast to other renewable energy sources. Several technologies are installed in the plant to guarantee optimal energy efficiency and save operating expenses.

Powerplant Aiguillon Reviews

Located in France, Aiguillon is a hydroelectric power station with a 1.177 MW capacity. Its longitude is 0.3577 and its latitude is 44.3009. When the power plant started on 3.58, hydro was the only fuel utilized. It is currently the main fuel type. Producing energy is the main goal of the Aiguillon power plant. The process involves first transforming the mechanical energy of the water flowing through the power plant into electrical energy, then back into kinetic energy. In addition to providing agricultural water during hot, dry spells, the power plant controls the outflow of water from dams downstream.

The Aiguillon power plant operates in an extremely eco-friendly and efficient manner. An estimated 890,500 MWh of energy are produced annually by the facility, which is sufficient to power about 500,000 families in the surrounding areas. Furthermore, the facility is projected to produce zero greenhouse gasses annually, placing it among the most eco-friendly power facilities in the area.


Q. What are the major power plants in France?

A. The Paluel Nuclear Power Plant, Saint-Alban Nuclear Power Plant, Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant, and Nogent Nuclear Power Plant are a few of the significant power plants in France.

Q. What percentage of power plants in France in nuclear-based?

A. Nuclear power plants provide about 75% of France’s electricity.

Q. What are the main sources of power in France?

A. Nuclear power facilities, hydroelectric power plants, wind farms, solar energy, and other renewable sources are the primary sources of electricity in France.

Q. Where can I find information about the largest power plants in France?

A. The Electricit de France (EDF) website has information about the biggest power plants in France.

Q. What is the most common renewable source of energy in France?

A. Hydroelectric power is the most prevalent renewable energy source in France, contributing over 15% of the country’s total electricity production.

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this information about all of the power plants in France. If you do, please leave a remark.

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