Top Best Power Plants in Bolivia for 2024

Bolivia is a landlocked nation in South America with an abundance of energy and natural resources. An exhaustive inventory of all the power plants constructed and in use in the nation may be found in this article. It discusses thermal and hydroelectric power facilities, describing their individual features and output. Additionally, a list of proposed and planned power plants is provided. The locations, energy technology, and capacity of each of the facilities listed are addressed. This listing makes it easier to see how much electricity Bolivia can produce and is useful for assessing the nation’s progress toward sustainability.

The list of all Bolivian nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, wind, oil, and gas power stations is provided below.

List of all Power Plants in Bolivia in table format

We have made the following table, which includes a list of all the power plants in Bolivia, for the convenience of our readers:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
Botijlaca Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia 10.6 -16.1925, -68.1405 Hydro 23.33
Bulo Bulo OCGT Power Plant Bolivia 90 -17.2424, -64.5409 Gas N/A
Cahua Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia 30 -16.0456, -67.9939 Hydro 86.04
Carrasco OCGT Power Plant Bolivia 152.6 -17.2125, -64.5275 Gas N/A
Chojlla Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia 38.4 -16.4124, -67.7725 Hydro 97.42
Chururaqui Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia 34 -16.105, -68.067 Hydro 97.51
Cobija 5 -11.025, -68.815 Solar 9.66
Corani Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia 54 -17.2122, -65.8758 Hydro 141.19
Cutichucho Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia 24 -16.1425, -68.1158 Hydro 61.69
El Alto (El Kenko) Power Plant Bolivia 80.42 -16.5653, -68.1811 Gas N/A
Entre Rios Power Plant Bolivia 120 -21.52, -64.1714 Gas N/A
Guaracachi CCGT Power Plant Bolivia 350 -17.7875, -63.1521 Gas N/A
Harca Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia 30 -16.0784, -68.0336 Hydro 86.04
Huaji Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia 34 -16.0416, -67.9566 Hydro 97.51
Karachipampa Power Plant Bolivia 14.4 -19.551, -65.722 Gas N/A

Information Sources: Wiki-Solar, GEODB


Best Power Plants in Bolivia in 2023

Below is information about Bolivia’s top power plant:

Powerplant Aranjuez Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

The Aranjuez Power Plant Bolivia is a gas-fired power facility situated at 36.7, -19.0394, -65.2697 in Bolivia. With a 115 MW capacity, the power plant has been in operation since its founding in 2015. Being the biggest power plant in Bolivia, it is regarded as the foundation of the country’s electricity industry. The principal fuel used by the facility is natural gas. This gas, which comes from the adjacent gas fields, guarantees the area will always have access to electricity.

Tarija and Cochabamba, as well as the surrounding towns and villages, receive electricity from the Aranjuez Power Plant Bolivia. It produces an estimated 6.4 GWh of electricity annually in order to meet the country’s increasing energy needs. Furthermore, the facility has aided in the region’s reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and has supported national efforts to fulfill climate change targets. Moreover, it has been effective in lowering the plant’s gas turbines’ thermal losses.

Powerplant Botijlaca Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

10.6 Megawatt (MW) of power is generated at Bolivia’s Botijlaca Hydroelectric Power Plant, which is situated at coordinates -16.1925 S and -68.1405 W. Hydro energy is the main fuel used to create power; it has been produced since the plant was put into service on 23.33. Bolivia’s largest facility, the Botijlaca Hydroelectric Power facility, provides the majority of the nation’s electricity needs. It generates electricity for a multitude of small-scale local businesses and communities. Botijlaca Hydroelectric Power Plant’s construction amply demonstrates technological advancement and the government’s dedication to supplying inhabitants with dependable energy.

The energy production generated on an annual average is roughly 79.7 Gigawatt-hours (GWh), while the maximum capacity achieved is 124 GWh. Additionally, the plant’s reservoir, which holds around 830,000 cubic meters of water, increases the power generating system’s efficiency. The Botijlaca Hydroelectric Power Plant is seen as the future of energy generation in Bolivia since these essential components combine to produce an effective, safe, and dependable source of energy.

Powerplant Bulo Bulo OCGT Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

Bolivia’s Bulo Bulo OCGT Power Plant

The Bulo Bulo OCGT Power Plant is located in Bolivia, started operating in 2019 and has a capacity of 90 MW. The powerplant is situated on latitude and longitude coordinates of -17.2424 and -64.5409, respectively. It is based on the Open-Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) technology, fueled by natural gas, and is capable of producing electricity on an upper limit of 4,876 GWh per year.

Designed with the Local Population in Mind

The goal of the Bulo Bulo plant is to bring sustainable energy to the population of Bolivia, to improve the lives of people in the area and to increase the economic production. It is equipped with several features such as an air cooled condenser, an advanced air filtration system, and built-in filters to protect the environment from any pollutants. The plant s construction has occurred in compliance with Bolivia’s safety and environmental regulations. In addition, the Bulo Bulo OCGT Power Plant provides training and job opportunities to local people, and is contributing to the overall development of the region.

Powerplant Cahua Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

Situated at coordinates 16.0456, 67.9939, the Cahua hydroelectric power facility is situated in Bolivia’s tropical area. This hydroelectric power station began producing electricity in 86.04 and has a 30 MW clean power capacity. This has to do with producing power via hydroelectricity, a renewable energy source. Because it produces clean energy effectively, cahua is the only renewable energy source in the area.

One of the main water sources for the neighborhood is the Cahua River, which is close to the Cahua hydroelectric generating station. In addition to using the Cahua River’s water for operations, the plant contributes to the local community’s access to sustainable and renewable energy. The neighborhood has been able to benefit continuously from the many benefits of renewable energy thanks to the plant’s successful delivery of dependable electricity. Cahua is an illustration of how electricity may be supplied to an area from a single source via hydropower.

Powerplant Carrasco OCGT Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

The Carrasco Power Plant is situated 860 kilometers east of La Paz in Bolivia, close to the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The plant started operating in June 2018 and has a 152.6 MW capacity. The power station, which is located at 17.2125 S latitude and 64.5275 W longitude, uses natural gas as its major fuel.

The Carrasco Power Plant supports Bolivia’s government’s goal of achieving energy independence by 2025 and is a component of a bigger energy project in the area. Furthermore, it might significantly enhance Bolivia’s energy distribution system, lowering power and energy losses and assisting in guaranteeing that energy is accessible to both local enterprises and families. At present, the Carrasco Power Plant, which generates an estimated 638,000 megawatt-hours of electricity annually, is among Bolivia’s biggest gas-fired power plants.

Powerplant Chojlla Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

Bolivia is home to the Chojlla Hydroelectric Power Plant, which can be found there at 38.4 north latitude and -16.4124 and -67.7725 east longitude. It is a 97.42 MW hydroelectric power facility that was put into service in 2018. Hydropower is the main energy source utilized to create electricity at Chojlla. It is a renewable energy source that is essential to supplying Bolivia’s medium- to long-term energy needs.

Chojlla, one of Bolivia’s biggest hydroelectric power facilities, can generate roughly 97.42 megawatts of electricity. With regard to Bolivia’s capacity for producing electricity, this is a significant accomplishment. This capability has lessened the nation’s dependency on imported energy sources, such as gas and oil, and allowed it to effectively manage and supply its electricity demands. Since its inception, the Chojlla plant is predicted to have generated 1,109 GWh of electricity.

Powerplant Chururaqui Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

With a 34 MW capacity, the Chururaqui Hydroelectric Power Plant is situated in Bolivia. The precise latitude and longitude are -16.105 and -68.067, respectively. The power plant’s main fuel source is hydro energy, and it began operating in 97.51). The predicted power generation of the Chururaqui Hydroelectric Power Plant can power thousands of households in Bolivia and contribute to the country’s energy needs.

The Chururaqui Hydroelectric Power Plant is one of the most effective and environmentally friendly power sources because it uses hydro energy. It doesn’t damage the environment because it doesn’t emit anything. The power plant’s operation is convenient because it may obtain the water it needs from lakes or rivers. Furthermore, because water resources are always available, producing hydroelectric power is far less expensive than producing energy in other ways.

Powerplant Cobija Reviews

The population of Cobija, a tiny city in Bolivia, is approximately 10,000. Situated on the Beni River, the only body of water in the region, it is the biggest city in the Beni department. Since 9.66, the Cobija 5 Solar Power Plant has been in operation. Its location is at an altitude of -11.025 latitude and -68.815 longitude, and its total power capacity is 5 MW.

The Cobija 5 Solar Power Plant uses solar energy to generate electricity. Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules are used in the solar plant to transform solar radiation into direct current (DC) electricity. Its annual capacity for producing energy is 9.2 GWh. The generated electricity is subsequently injected into Bolivia’s public electrical supply network, giving the residents of Cobija access to clean, renewable energy.

Powerplant Corani Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

Bolivia is home to the Corani Hydroelectric Power Plant, which has a total estimated power output of 141.19 MW and can produce 54 MW of power. The coordinates of the power plant are -65.8758 degrees longitude and -17.2122 degrees latitude. The power plant’s principal fuel is hydroelectric power, and it initially became operational in 1995.

Having just undergone a huge expansion that saw its power generation capacity nearly triple from the original level of 20 MW, this power plant is among the largest in the nation. While some energy does make its way to the national grid, local and regional systems consume the majority of the power generated.

Numerous indigenous Bolivian businesses have been operating the Corani Hydroelectric Plant profitably since its establishment. The plant helps meet a significant portion of the nation’s electricity needs by operating in accordance with other similar power plants across the nation. The power plant continues to play a significant role in meeting Bolivia’s energy needs and has significantly increased access to electricity in the nation.

Powerplant Cutichucho Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

Operating since 1961, the Cutichucho Hydroelectric Power Plant is situated in Bolivia. With a 24 MW installed capacity, the power plant is mostly utilized for the nation’s power supply. The power plant’s precise coordinates are -16.1425, -68.1158. As the name implies, the power plant’s primary fuel source for producing energy is hydro. Since its inception, the plant is expected to have produced 61.69GW of power as of October 2017.

The Cutichucho Hydroelectric Power Plant receives supplementary electricity support from different sources to guarantee the dependability of the power supply. Two 100KV transmission lines that originate in La Paz and El Alto are used by the facility. This guarantees that the electricity produced at the facility is effectively dispersed throughout Bolivia’s surrounding regions. The government has approved the expansion of the power plant with the installation of three more generators in an attempt to boost Bolivia’s electricity supply. By 2019, this project—which is anticipated to be finished—will boost the Cutichucho Hydroelectric Power Plant’s output of electricity even more.

Powerplant El Alto (El Kenko) Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

In Bolivia, the El Alto (El Kenko) Power Plant is situated at latitude -16.5653 and longitude -68.1811. It is primarily powered by gas and has a capacity of 80.42. Since the day it was launched, it has been in operation and has already started to produce electricity.

Natural gas is the main fuel used in this power plant. For dependable and consistent power generation, this kind of fuel is perfect. In addition, compared to other fuel sources, using natural gas lowers the chance of air and water pollution. To produce clean energy, the power plant also uses renewable technologies including biomass, solar, and wind.

In the upcoming years, it is anticipated that the El Alto (El Kenko) Power Plant will generate more electricity. This will be accomplished by utilizing technology breakthroughs to increase the power plant’s dependability and efficiency. The power plant also intends to add more power generating units to expand its capacity. In the end, this will allow the power plant to produce more electricity and contribute to a decrease in carbon emissions.

Powerplant Entre Rios Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

The latitude and longitude of the Entre Rios power plant in Bolivia are -21.52 and -64.1714, respectively. The plant’s main fuel source is natural gas, and it can generate 120 megawatts of electricity. Since it began operating, this facility has produced an estimated 120 megawatts of electricity.

Bolivia’s state-owned energy business, YPFB Corporation, is the owner of the Entre Rios power plant. Bolivia is to receive its electricity from YPFB in a clean, safe, and sustainable manner. Their dedication to this objective is evident in the way they operate the Entre Rios factory. Being one of the few power plants in Bolivia using natural gas as its main fuel source, Entre Rios produces fewer pollutants than other fuel types, making it healthier for the environment.

The Entre Rios facility has made large investments in power plant efficiency and modernization, which enhances its capacity to produce clean and dependable power in addition to its ecologically favorable fuel supply. The Bolivian government has prioritized expanding the nation’s power plants’ capacity in order to meet the country’s rising demand. Because of this, the Entre Rios plant is a significant component of the nation’s energy portfolio and a major asset for the surrounding area.

Powerplant Guaracachi CCGT Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

350 megawatts of power can be produced at Bolivia’s Guaracachi CCGT Power Plant. Gas is the main fuel used by the facility, which started operations in and is situated at latitude -17.7875 and longitude -63.1521. 350 megawatts of power is the plant’s anticipated output, more than enough to cover the needs of the surrounding towns and cities. Being one of the most efficient power plants in the area, the power station makes use of contemporary gas turbine technology.

The Payo Power Station is equipped with an automated plant control system and four independent gas turbines operating at maximum efficiency. Up to 350 megawatts of power can be supplied by the Guaracachi Plant, which is set up to support the primary transmission network. The power plant is situated in a strategic manner and is linked to multiple other power plants in the area as well as the current transmission network. The station boosts the local economy and complies with all environmental and safety regulations.

Powerplant Harca Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

Bolivia’s first hydroelectric power plant is called the Harca Hydroelectric Power Plant. With a maximum capacity of 30 megawatts, it is situated at latitudes 16.0784 south and longitude 68.0336 west. On April 4, 2017, the plant, which uses hydropower as its main fuel source, began operations. The plant generates an estimated 55 gigawatt-hours of power annually.

Bolivia’s energy capacity has been significantly impacted by the Harca Hydroelectric Power Plant since it began operating in 2017. It has contributed to a decrease in the cost of electricity for both individuals and companies by increasing the nation’s total power generating capacity by more than 10%. The power plant is thought to be able to supply up to 200,000 local homes and businesses with electricity. Apart from delivering dependable and reasonably priced power, the plant has also decreased the quantity of contaminants discharged into the surroundings.

Powerplant Huaji Hydroelectric Power Plant Bolivia Reviews

Bolivia’s Huaji Hydroelectric Power Plant is situated at latitude 16.0416 south and longitude 67.9566 west. This power plant, which went online in 2012, can generate 97.51 MW of energy. Being a hydroelectric power plant, it generates energy from water that is found naturally. Huaji specifically uses the massive potential energy found in neighboring high altitude reservoirs to produce power.

A component of Bolivia’s efforts to strengthen its energy independence is the Huaji power plant. This hydroelectric project will lessen the nation’s dependency on conventional energy sources and contribute to the country’s energy mix diversification. The building started up in 2012. Since then, it has prevented the release of nearly 187,400 tons of carbon dioxide emissions and offset the use of fossil fuels. As a result, the region’s air quality has generally improved.


Q1. What are the types of power plants in Bolivia?

A. Around 67% of Bolivia’s total power producing capacity is made up primarily of hydroelectric facilities. Coal made up 12% of the power generation capacity, while natural gas and diesel made up around 20%. Power plants powered by wind, biomass, and solar energy account for the remaining 1%.

Q2. Is there any nuclear power plants in Bolivia?

A. No, there are no nuclear power facilities in Bolivia. There are currently no plans in place for the nation to construct nuclear power plants. While some studies have been conducted to evaluate Bolivia’s nuclear power potential, none of them have been put into practice.

Q3. How much of Bolivia s power comes from hydroelectricity?

A. Bolivia’s primary energy source is hydroelectricity, which makes up around 67% of the country’s installed power producing capacity. The nation’s rivers and lakes provide hydropower, which is the most economical energy source in terms of both efficiency and capital cost.

Q4. What has been Bolivia’s strategy for power sector modernisation?

A. Bolivia has chosen a bold course of action to fulfill its 2020 energy self-sufficiency target. This strategy’s primary components are: boosting the effectiveness of the hydroelectric power plants that are currently in operation; developing additional hydropower facilities; updating the distribution system; and encouraging the use of renewable energy sources.

Q5. Are there any major energy projects in Bolivia currently underway?

A. Yes, Bolivia is currently involved in a number of energy initiatives. The El Bala hydroelectric project, which is expected to produce 400 MW of power, is the most significant of these. The Santa Cruz Bioenergy Project and the Los Chacos Solar Plant, both of which will produce more than 100 MW of electricity, are other noteworthy projects.

I hope you find the information about all power plants in Bolivia that I have provided above interesting. If you do, please let us know in the comments.

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