Top Best Power Plants in Azerbaijan for 2024

In the larger Caucasus region as well as the Black Sea region, Azerbaijan is a significant energy producer. The country has made significant investments in renewable energy sources, including as hydroelectricity, solar power, and wind, to fulfill its expanding energy needs. An extensive summary of the many kinds of power plants that are now in operation in Azerbaijan can be found in this list of all power plants in the nation. It offers information about the energy source, location, capacity, and any other pertinent details that would be of interest to possible investors. The schematic picture and distinctive name of each power plant serve as identifiers. Additionally, it provides details on relevant transmission lines and the corresponding regulatory organizations. Anyone interested in learning more about Azerbaijan’s energy industry should consult this list.

The list of all Azerbaijani nuclear, hydro, solar, wind, oil, and gas power stations is provided below.

List of all Power Plants in Azerbaijan in table format

We have made the following table, which includes a list of all the power plants in Azerbaijan, for the convenience of our readers:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
Azerbaijan TPP 2400 40.78, 46.9901 Oil N/A
Baku ES 105 40.3734, 49.9192 Gas N/A
Baku TEC 107 40.3734, 49.9192 Gas N/A
Gusar 1 41.3979, 48.3308 Hydro 2.24
Janub 780 39.8943, 48.9173 Gas N/A
Khachmaz ES 87 41.4635, 48.806 Gas N/A
Mingechevir 402 40.79, 47.0287 Hydro 963.73
Sangachal ES 299 40.1794, 49.47 Gas N/A
Shamkir 405 40.9487, 46.168 Hydro 793.23
Shimal 400 40.4995, 50.2077 Gas N/A
Sumqayit 525 40.6036, 49.6332 Gas N/A
Varvara 16 40.6837, 47.0926 Hydro 72.11
Yenikend 150 40.9193, 46.2829 Hydro 385.47

Information Sources: WRI, GEODB, CARMA


Best Power Plants in Azerbaijan in 2023

Below is information on the top power plant in Azerbaijan:

Powerplant Astara ES Reviews

Located at 38.456 Latitude and 48.875 Longitude, Astara, Azerbaijan is home to the 87 megawatt Astara ES power plant. This gas-fired power plant started producing electricity in 2018. With an estimated yearly power output capacity of 77 GWh, this power plant in Azerbaijan supplies the isolated town’s electricity demands.

Natural gas is the main fuel used by the fuel-efficient power plant Astara ES. It can be operated with minimal to no loss of electricity or heat thanks to its efficient boiler. This kind of power plant is recognized to have a far lower emissions than traditional fossil fuel facilities. Furthermore, it has been certified to meet the strictest emissions management requirements.

In addition to being an essential source of electricity for the surrounding area, Astara ES is also essential to the region’s sustainability. Furthermore, the town’s reliance on conventional electrical sources is lessened because to the economical usage of natural gas. This is especially crucial because, in the upcoming years, natural gas is predicted to play a bigger role as a principal fuel source.

Powerplant Azerbaijan TPP Reviews

The 2400 megawatt (MW) Azerbaijan TPP power plant is situated at 40.78 latitude and 46.9901 longitude. Oil is the main fuel that the facility uses. It began operations in 1999 and is anticipated to generate 93,962 gigawatt hours (GWh) of power annually.

The TPP for Azerbaijan is regarded as a crucial component of the country’s energy supply. It generates a significant amount of electricity by burning crude oil efficiently. The provision of reasonably priced power to the populace has had a notable positive impact on the region’s overall economic development.

The power plant is also well-regarded in terms of the environment. The innovative technology employed in the plant has resulted in a significant reduction of emissions caused by the combustion of crude oil. This has made it possible for Azerbaijan TPP to generate power in an efficient and ecologically sustainable manner.

Powerplant Baku ES Reviews

Located in Azerbaijan at 40.3734 degrees North Latitude and 49.92 degrees West Longitude, Baku ES is a 105 megawatt power station. This power plant’s principal fuel is natural gas, which allows it to produce an estimated 105 megawatts of power every hour. Since Baku ES was founded in August 2000, the city’s dependence on energy sources has been completely transformed. Modern technologies installed in this power plant guarantee the best possible use of the natural gas used as fuel.

Because the power production technology used by the power plant has great efficiency levels, its annual energy generation is predicted to be 255,367 SXA. Additionally, Baku ES helps the people of Azerbaijan by regularly providing them with clean energy. It is regarded as the cornerstone of Azerbaijan’s energy infrastructure and is the largest operational power plant in the nation. In order to protect the environment and the safety of its residents, the government has established a number of safety standards and laws, all of which the power plant complies with.

Powerplant Baku TEC Reviews

The Baku TEC power station, situated in the country of Azerbaijan, is a gas-fired facility that was developed and put into service in 2018. 40.3734 degrees north latitude and 49.9192 degrees east longitude are its exact coordinates. This 107 megawatt (MW) power generation recipient is highly automated, efficient, and immaculate. The energy output of this power plant is sufficient to power around 270000 houses on average.

Natural gas is Baku TEC’s main fuel source since it produces inexpensive energy while also reducing environmental pollution. As a gas-fired power station, it generates electricity by feeding natural gas to an internal combustion engine, which then uses that mechanical energy to turn on an alternator to produce electricity. The facility’s equipment and component parts are all specially designed and manufactured to provide a seamless and effective operation without sacrificing its high standards.

Powerplant Gusar Reviews

Situated in Azerbaijan’s Lankaran province, Gusar is well-known for its hydroelectric power plant. Gusar 1 is the name of this hydroelectric power station, which can produce 41.3979 megawatts. Latitude 48.3308 and longitude 41.3979 are the locations of the plant. This power plant uses hydro as its main fuel source to produce energy. Since its construction in 2.24, the area has been supplied with electricity. This power plant generates electricity, which is then sent to neighboring communities, contributing significantly to the nation’s energy needs.

Additionally, this power plant has the capacity to produce an estimated 2.43 million kilowatt-hours annually, of which more than 1.47 million are consumed domestically, industrially, and commercially. The hydroelectricity power plant at Gusar 1 has established itself as a major generator of electricity to the region because of its enormous potential. The remaining electricity created is sent to neighboring countries and other regions, making it a productive energy resource. Other nations in the region might use Azerbaijan’s hydroelectric power plant as a model to develop their own renewable energy resources and encourage the growth of sustainable energy production.

Powerplant Janub Reviews

Situated in the Janub region of Azerbaijan, Janub Power station is a 780 megawatt gas-fired power station. The power plant’s precise coordinates are 48.9173 degrees east and 39.8943 degrees north. Because of its huge capacity, it is regarded as one of the biggest gas-fired power plants in the area. Natural gas is the power plant’s main fuel source. In 2015, the power plant commenced operations in order to generate the maximum expected amount of power. The Janub power station is anticipated to generate 780 megawatts of power. In order to supply the growing energy demand in the area, the power plant uses cutting-edge technologies. The Janub Power Plant has been effectively supplying the people of the area with high-quality energy and aiding in their economic development.

Janub Powerplant also offers a number of environmental advantages. The power plant makes significant investments in the use of renewable energy sources, which contributes to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, one of the primary drivers of climate change. The power plant has considerably lessened its effects on the surrounding environment thanks to the installation of the most recent, cutting-edge environmental standards. In order to minimize environmental harm, the trash generated by the power plant’s operations is also appropriately controlled and disposed of. The region’s growing energy needs have a sustainable answer thanks to the Janub powerplant, which also protects the public’s health and safety.

Powerplant Khachmaz ES Reviews

A power station called Khachmaz ES is situated in the Azerbaijani province of Khachmaz. The facility is located at latitude 41.4635 and longitude 48.806, with a capacity of 87 megawatts. Natural gas is the main fuel type, and the facility started producing power in 2019. Compared to a few other neighboring power plants, this one is predicted to produce substantially more power.

The community will benefit from this power plant since it will give them access to a reasonably priced and dependable energy supply. The plant will probably improve the region’s overall reliability and is a component of the energy security network in the area. This new power plant is crucial because the area in question is underserved in terms of electricity.

The development of Khachmaz ES has increased local residents’ access to reasonably priced electricity. This is particularly crucial in an isolated area like this one where dependable energy is hard to come by. The power plant has improved the local economy and produced jobs. As a result, the local population has been more inclined to stay and develop the area, which has boosted economic growth.

Powerplant Mingechevir Reviews

Situated beside the Kura River in Mingechevir, Azerbaijan, the Mingechevir Powerplant can accommodate up to 402 MW of power. Its coordinates are 47.0287 East Longitude and 40.79 North Latitude. The main hydroelectric power plant in the area that supplies energy to the surrounding area is Mingechevir. The power station, which was founded in 963.73, can generate an estimated 402 MW of electricity.

Because it is situated as the bridge between the two biggest hydroelectric power plants in the area, Mingachevir and Shamkir, it is a strategically important hydroelectric power plant. The 40 MW of Mingechevir is added to the 280 MW of capacity of the current Mingachevir complex. As a result, Mingechevir is a significant power plant that supplies consistent electricity to the entire region.

Powerplant Sangachal ES Reviews

The 299 MW Sangachal ES power station is situated at latitude 40.1794, longitude 49.47. Gas is the main fuel used in the plant. It began operating some time in the year, and its estimated power output, both on and off the grid, is 299MW. It is anticipated that the plant would run dependably and safely for more than 20 years.

The plant satisfies the highest efficiency requirements through its design and construction. It has the most recent control technology and sophisticated safety measures installed. This power plant’s primary goal is to assist in meeting the area’s rising energy demand. It also focuses on addressing the effects of power production on the environment.

Sangachal ES is dedicated to lowering its carbon impact and assisting the area in achieving its clean energy and renewable energy goals. Its principal objective is to minimize the effects on the environment by generating the greatest amount of renewable energy. In addition to being used to power local transportation systems, the power produced by this plant will be utilized to meet the needs for electricity in homes.

Powerplant Shamkir Reviews

Azerbaijan’s Shamkir 405 powerplant is situated at latitude 40.9487 and longitude 46.168. This hydroelectric power station was first put into service in 2008 and has a capacity of 793.23 MW. This hydroelectric plant generates power by using hydroelectricity as its primary fuel, which is supplied by the Shamkir reservoir.

Shamkir 405 produces electricity by means of the hydropower method. Electricity is produced as water flows through the turbine blades, turning them. This inexpensive, clean renewable energy source is available. The plant uses a nearby reservoir to collect and store water, and then it uses hydroelectric generators to harness the power of gravity to produce energy.

The Shamkir 405’s huge capacity and effective operation have contributed to a decrease in Azerbaijan’s reliance on fossil fuels. This has made it possible for the nation to better control how much electricity it needs and to invest the financial savings from using this renewable resource in other areas of the infrastructural development of the nation.

Powerplant Shimal Reviews

The country’s northern Shimal region is home to the electricity generating station known as Shimal Powerplant. The coordinates of it are 40.4995 N, 50.2077 E. Gas serves as the main fuel source for the 400 MW power plant. It began operating in early 2020 and is projected to produce roughly 25 million electricity units yearly.

Because of its low emissions of pollutants, the Shimal powerplant is seen as an efficient substitute for other fuel sources. Furthermore, by lowering import costs and creating jobs, the electricity produced by the clever use of gas fuel also contributes to the GDP of the country. Taxes and power plant royalties provide financial benefits to the state government as well.

Powerplant Sumqayit Reviews

This power plant is called Sumqayit, and it is situated in Azerbaijan. With a 525MW total capacity, the powerplant is located at 40.6036 latitude and 49.6332 longitude and is run by SOCAR Energy Power Production LLC. It was put online in the middle of the 2010s and is believed to generate 500GW of power, mostly using natural gas as fuel.

Sumqayit is a member of the growing network of Azerbaijan-based power plants owned by SOCAR Energy Power Production LLC, which is constantly extending its range of conventional and renewable energy sources. An extensive network of pipelines connecting the power plant to several gas sources has been installed to provide an effective fuel supply. This guarantees that the power plant will run continuously and produce its optimum amount of efficiently.

Powerplant Varvara Reviews

The Varvara Power Plant is located at 40.6837 Latitude and 47.0926 Longitude in Country Name. It is a 72.11 MW capacity hydro powered electric station that began operations on Powerplant Start Date.

The Varvara Power Plant uses primary fuel to power turbines that harness the energy produced by the nation’s natural water flow to produce electricity. Different dams provide a range of water sources that are utilized to extract energy and produce power. The effective design lowers operating costs and maximizes resource utilization for the nation.

The Varvara Power Plant has the most up-to-date and advanced control systems, which contribute to maintaining a steady power supply and coordination amongst all of the plant’s components. The station’s predicted power generation is consistent and adds to the production of energy overall.

Powerplant Yenikend Reviews

The Russian territory of Dagestan is home to the hydroelectric Yenikend power station. It was put into service in 385.47 and has a total installed capacity of 150 MW. The power plant is precisely situated at latitude 40.9193 and longitude 46.2829. In the Dagestan region, it is the biggest hydroelectric facility.

The main source of energy for Yenikend Power Plant is runoff from the surrounding rivers and mountains. A sizable reservoir holds the water that is extracted from the rivers and supplied to the turbines, which produce energy. It is made up of two turbines that can generate 150 megawatts (MW) of energy in total. For the Dagestan region, the power plant is a significant source of renewable energy.


Q. What are the main types of power plants in Azerbaijan?

A. The two primary types of power facilities in Azerbaijan are hydropower and thermal electricity. Oil, natural gas, or coal are the fuels used in thermal power plants to produce electricity. Hydropower facilities use the energy of flowing river water to produce electricity. In Azerbaijan, these two technologies are combined to form the foundation for the nation’s electrical production.

Q. What is the current electricity production in Azerbaijan?

A. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that Azerbaijan produced 31.8 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy in total in 2018. This was comparable to the 32 billion kWh total for 2017.

Q. What is the share of renewable sources in Azerbaijan s electricity mix?

A. In 2018, over 40% of Azerbaijan’s electricity came from renewable sources such hydro, solar, wind, and biomass. This highlights the larger share of renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan, as it contrasts sharply with the average of approximately 25% for the European Union from 2008 to 2017.

Q. What are the main environmental challenges related to Azerbaijan s power plants?

A. Air pollution is the main environmental issue facing Azerbaijani power facilities. Particularly, thermal power plants, which produce about two-thirds of all the electricity produced in Azerbaijan, are a significant source of air pollutants like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and omethane.

Q. What is the government doing to reduce the environmental impact of power plants in Azerbaijan?

A. The Azerbaijani government has implemented several strategies aimed at mitigating the ecological consequences of the nation’s power facilities. These include, but are not restricted to, developing more sophisticated and effective systems to reduce emissions, utilizing more renewable energy sources, and proposing laws that stiffen the penalties for individuals discovered to be causing environmental pollution.

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