Top Best Wind Power Plants in Austria for 2025

Austria is a nation in Europe that is renowned for its varied environment, which includes vineyards, rolling hills, and alpine mountains. With a combined operational capacity of over 10GW, it also features a diverse array of power plants that are noteworthy. All of Austria’s operating power facilities, from minor hydro to nuclear and massive energy plants, are included in this list. The operational capacity, location, owner, and type of the power plant are also included in this list. It gives a general overview of Austria’s energy market, which has seen a rise in the importance of renewable energy sources recently. Over 50% of Austria’s energy is produced by hydroelectric facilities, making it the country’s primary energy source. Gas, oil, and coal make up the majority of Austria’s additional main energy sources. It’s interesting to note that Austria is one of the few nations with a working nuclear power plant worldwide. Readers may find all the necessary details on Austria’s energy industry in this list of the nation’s power plants.

All Austrian wind power stations are listed here.

List of all Wind Power Plants in Austria in table format

For the benefit of our readers, we have compiled a list of Austrian wind power plants in the following table:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
Wind Park Hollern II 37 48.09, 16.844 Wind N/A
Wind Park Petronell-Carnuntum II 21 48.09, 16.844 Wind N/A
Windpark Bruck-G ttlesbrunn 21 48.095, 16.89 Wind N/A

Information Sources: Open Power System Data, GEODB, CARMA, and WRI


Best Wind Power Plants in Austria in 2025

Below is information about the top wind power plants in Austria:

Powerplant Wind Park Bruck an der Leitha Reviews

Austria’s newest power facility, Wind Park Bruck a der Leitha, is situated in Bruck a der Leitha and can be found there at 48.0338 North and 16.7264 East. On September 17, 2020, it began full operation and has a 9 megawatt power capacity. This nation’s first wind power facility of its kind is anticipated to produce 17.41 megawatt-hours of energy yearly.

It is not unexpected that Wind Park Bruck a der Leitha is the biggest wind power plant in the nation given Austria’s commitment to lowering its carbon emissions and promoting sustainability. By supplying houses, businesses, and households with clean and renewable energy instead of only relying on non-renewable energy sources, it seeks to lower Austria’s carbon footprint.

Powerplant Wind Park Hollern II Reviews

A power plant called Wind Park Hollern II may be found in Vienna, Austria, around 48 09′ north latitude and 16 84 40′ east longitude. It has a 37 MW capacity and relies heavily on wind energy. It started operating in 2015 and is expected to produce more than 94 GWh of electricity annually.

One of Austria’s biggest wind farms, Wind Park Hollern II spans an area of 84 hectares. It features 29 turbines, each with a 140-meter-diameter rotor, and its tower is 120 meters tall. The neighboring substation disperses the electricity produced among more than 5,800 local residences. The windpark’s owners, Shell Energy Europe GmbH, are making great efforts to guarantee that the park is run as cheaply and efficiently as possible while yet being environmentally benign.

The energy produced by Wind Park Hollern II contributes to a cleaner environment by lowering carbon dioxide emissions. This is a positive move toward environmental preservation, particularly in an energy-hungry nation like Austria. By offering a dependable alternative to nuclear energy, it also helps Austria diversify its energy source.

Powerplant Wind Park Petronell-Carnuntum II Reviews

A power facility called Wind Park Petronell-Carnuntum II is situated in Austria’s Petronell-Carnuntum in Europe. This power station is capable of producing 21 MW of electricity at its maximum capacity and is fitted with state-of-the-art wind turbines. The precise location is 16.844 longitude and 48.09 latitude. Fuel is primarily obtained from wind. Since its official opening and beginning of operation in April 2021, it is estimated that this power generating has made a commendable contribution to the nation’s electricity supply through steady and continuous electricity generation.

The technical towers at Wind Park Petronell-Carnuntum II reach heights of more than 70 meters. The best wind turbine power system is installed in these towers. The generated power has increased to 21 MW and remained constant thanks to this technology’s assistance in improving the power plant’s efficiency. The Austrian government has verified the project’s overall cost and is monitoring its progress to ensure that the promised and estimated energy is delivered in accordance with the schedule. This project has once again demonstrated Austria’s dedication to upholding the nation’s sustainability goals.

Powerplant Windpark Bruck-G ttlesbrunn Reviews

Austria is home to the Windpark Bruck-Gttlesbrunn wind farm. It is situated at 48.095, 16.89 in Bruck-Gttlesbrunn, 15 kilometers from Vienna, and has a 21 megawatt installed capacity. The park began operating in 2002 and can currently generate an estimated 28 GWh of total annual output.

Wind serves as the Windpark Bruck-G ttlesbrunn’s main fuel source. The power plant comprises of 7 Acciona E-41 3MW turbines, each measuring 41 meters in height and equipped with three blades that are each 41 meters in diameter. The turbines have a 3.94 MW peak power output and a 0.21 MW minimum power output. In order to function with a low maintenance cost, the turbines have gearless direct drive generators. High-voltage power cables carry the power to Vienna.


Q1. What is the total installed capacity of wind energy in Austria?

A. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Austria has an installed onshore wind capacity of about 2,997 MW. This is made up of 794 MW of small-scale/community wind turbines and 2,203 MW of utility-scale onshore wind turbines.

Q2. What is the share of wind energy in total installed capacity?

A. In 2018, almost 2.5 million MWh of Austria’s total electricity production came from wind energy, which accounted for about 10% of the country’s entire output.

Q3. Are there any hurdles in setting up wind energy projects in Austria?

A. arranging locations, navigating bureaucratic red tape, and arranging power purchase agreements are all difficulties faced by Austrian wind energy projects. Additionally, the sector has rather high investment levels, and laws governing visual protection must be followed when installing wind turbines.

Q4. What incentives are available for investing in wind energy projects in Austria?

A. Austria now uses a feed-in tariff system that ensures a set purchase price for the energy produced by wind energy plants. The levelized cost of electricity from wind farms in Austria can also be decreased by investors using investment grants or energy tax credits.

Q5. Are there any requirements for emissions reduction due to wind projects in Austria?

A. The government of Austria has pledged to generate 95% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020. Additionally, all new wind power projects are mandated to minimize carbon emissions under the EU Emissions Trading System because of current EU legislation.

I hope you enjoyed reading the information on All Wind Power Plants in Austria above. If you did and have any feedback, please share it in the comments below.

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