Top Best Wind Power Plants in Argentina for 2024

Argentina is a nation in South America with high energy needs. Argentina, which has more than 40 power plants, is undoubtedly not an exception when it comes to the importance of electricity generation in a nation’s energy strategy. We shall list and give a brief description of each power plant in Argentina in this post. We shall go through their varieties, locations, significant operators, and other information. We will also examine Argentina’s total installed capacity and assess its long-term viability. We will also talk about the nation’s transmission and distribution networks as well as the subsidies provided to specific projects. All of this is done to provide a complete picture of Argentina’s electrical industry.

All of Argentina’s wind power stations are listed below.

List of all Wind Power Plants in Argentina in table format

For the benefit of our readers, we have compiled a list of wind power plants in Argentina in the table below:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
GENERAL ACHA 1.8 -37.4309, -64.716 Wind N/A
MAYOR BURATOVICH 2.02 -39.2291, -62.6497 Wind N/A
PARQUE EOLICO ARAUCO SAPEM I 25.2 -28.6684, -66.7524 Wind N/A
PARQUE EOLICO ARAUCO SAPEM II 25.2 -28.6684, -66.7524 Wind N/A
PARQUE EOLICO DIADEMA 6.3 -45.7458, -67.6953 Wind N/A
PARQUE EOLICO EL TORDILLO 3 -45.8507, -67.9081 Wind N/A
PARQUE EOLICO LOMA BLANCA IV (ENARSA) 50 -43.0907, -65.2298 Wind N/A
PARQUE EOLICO RAWSON I (ENARSA) 48.6 -43.3522, -65.1734 Wind N/A
PARQUE EOLICO RAWSON II (ENARSA) 28.8 -43.3522, -65.1734 Wind N/A
PICO TRUNCADO – JORGE ROMANUTTI 2.4 -46.8065, -67.9808 Wind N/A
PUNTA ALTA – CENTENARIO 1.8 -38.7833, -61.8984 Wind N/A

Wiki-Solar, the Ministry of Energy and Mining

Best Wind Power Plants in Argentina in 2023

The following information is given on the finest wind power plant in Argentina:


In 2010, the city of Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina, unveiled the spectacular Comodoro Rivadavia – Antonio Moran wind farm. The 16.56 MW wind power station is situated in the Atlantic coast city at latitude -45.8467 and longitude -67.4964. On December 10, 2010, the power plant, which was created by Wind Energy Argentina (WEA), began to run. This power plant’s main fuel source is wind.

An estimated 70 GW of energy can be produced annually at the Comodoro Rivadavia-Antonio Moran power plant, which is enough to supply the city’s energy and electricity requirements for hundreds of thousands of homes. Along with creating jobs and offering sustainable energy, this initiative has other positive effects on the community, including increased sales for nearby services and companies.

Powerplant GENERAL ACHA Reviews

Argentina’s General ACHA, a wind energy power plant with a 1.8 MW capacity, started producing electricity in Powerplant Start Date. Its precise location is in latitudes -37.4309 and longitudes -64.716. With wind as its main fuel source, it is predicted to have an efficiency rate of more than 95%, minimizing the emissions’ negative effects on the environment.

More than 2,000 megawatt-hours of clean energy are anticipated to be produced by the General ACHA Wind Power Plant each year and sold to Argentina’s domestic electricity market. Through preventing the annual emission of more than 1,158 tons of carbon dioxide into the environment, the power generated by this facility will also assist Argentina lower its carbon footprint.

Powerplant MAYOR BURATOVICH Reviews

In 2021, the Mayor Buratovich wind power plant was built in Country Name’s little, rural village at coordinates -39.2291/-62.6497. With a capacity of 2.02 megawatts, the plant was created to aid in meeting the area’s energy needs. The Mayor Buratovich wind power station, which relies mostly on wind as a fuel source, has significantly raised the standard of living in the area. The wind power plant is currently able to provide the local grid with adequate clean electricity, making it a very practical renewable energy source.

The construction of the power plant presented numerous difficulties to the team working on the Mayor Buratovich project. The possible disruption to wildlife and ecosystems was a major issue in addition to the expensive construction and maintenance expenses of the facility. Special sensitization methods were implemented to lessen disruption and safeguard the safety of the indigenous species. This involved the thoughtful selection of construction sites and the careful management of the facility.

The Mayor Buratovich powerplant has grown steadily since it first began operating in 2021. According to estimates, the power plant is currently producing enough renewable energy to run about 13,000 houses. With the Mayor Buratovich powerplant’s viability as a source of renewable energy now established, Country Name has made significant progress toward achieving a greener, more sustainable energy future.


A 25.2-megawatt wind farm called Parque Eolico Arauco Sapem I is situated in an area with a reputation for having high winds. The plant can be found at the respective Latitude and Longitude coordinates of -28.6684 and -66.7524. Since the power plant depends on using turbines to convert mechanical energy from the wind to electrical energy, wind serves as its principal source of fuel. Since its inauguration in 2019, the Parque Eolico Arauco Sapem I has been producing power for regional distribution systems.

The Parque Eolico Arauco Sapem I’s power production assists the local populace in meeting local need for electrical energy. This supports sustainable development strategies and lowers the use of other fuels like oil and gas in the regions. Parque Eolico Arauco Sapem I is a superb example of such contemporary projects. The Argentine government has been promoting the growth of renewable energy sources all around the nation.


Argentina’s Arauco Province is home to the 25.2 MW Parque Eolico Arauco Sapem II wind power facility. The latitude and longitude of the wind farm are 28 40′ 6.24″S and 66 45′ 8.64″W, respectively. The power plant’s construction started in 2019 and is anticipated to be finished in 2021, producing 25.2 Megawatts (MW) of power. More than 18,000 families in the province are anticipated to receive renewable energy from this project, which is projected to cost USD 45 million.

Wind energy, a cost-free, non-polluting energy source that is regarded as one of the world’s top renewable energy sources, is used to power Parque Eolico Arauco Sapem II. This power plant will considerably boost the region’s access to renewable energy and is the first of its kind in the province of Arauco. The project intends to improve air quality while also safeguarding the environment and reducing the province’s ecological imprint.


One of the largest wind power facilities in the world is Parque Eolico Diadema. The wind farm has a 6.3 megawatt (MW) capacity and is situated in a remote area of Argentina at latitude 45.7458 and longitude 67.6953. It was put into operation in 2010, and with the ability to power up to 45,000 houses, it is a significant source of renewable energy for the region.

The facility has six 1.05 MW wind turbines and runs primarily on wind energy. This contributes to the creation of the region’s storage- and use-able clean and renewable electricity. This makes it possible for locals to have a power supply that is dependable and continuous. The turbines can also produce the best electricity under any circumstances because they are built to capture energy from various wind speeds. This is only one of the many advantages that the nearby Parque Olico Diadema has been able to provide.


A 3 MW wind farm called Parque Eolico El Tordillo is situated at Latitude -45.8507 and Longitude -67.9081. Wind is the main fuel source for this power plant. It began operating in 2009 and is expected to create roughly 6-7 million kWh annually by utilizing the local wind energy.

The Parque Eolico El Tordillo wind farm has six 0.5 MW turbines that are mounted in 75 m-tall towers. It has a cutting-edge system to track wind energy output and aids in forecasting future wind energy production. The initiative has made a significant contribution to Argentina’s national energy policy’s goal of giving its residents access to renewable energy in rural areas.


The 50 MW Parque Eolico Loma Blanca IV power plant is located in ENARSA, Argentina. Its coordinates are -43.0907 latitude and -65.2298 longitude. The plant’s major fuel source is wind, and it has been active since April 18th, 2018. A gross annual power output of 117,000 MWh was predicted for the plant.

The ENARSA renewables project, which aims to diversify Argentina’s energy mix and lower carbon dioxide emissions, includes the Parque Eolico Loma Blanca IV. A group of wind turbines located at the power plant range in height from 80 to 120 meters. It was established as a part of the World Bank-financed investment program in Argentina to assist in ensuring a reliable supply of energy for the area.


In ENARSA, Argentina, there is a power plant called Parque Eolico Rawson I. In order to generate renewable energy and take advantage of the good wind conditions in the area, this power station was constructed. The projected power station was designed to have a 48.6 MW capacity and use wind as its main fuel source.

Parque Eolico Rawson I is one of the biggest wind farms in Argentina. Its development began in 2017 and its expected electricity generation was reported to be 199,538 kWh/year. The stated latitude and longitude, 43.3522 and -65.1734, respectively, made it simple to find the power plant.

Eolico Rawson Park Since its founding, I has been a dependable source of renewable energy. It has given the region access to renewable energy and assisted in recent years in reducing some of the negative effects of global warming. Additionally, it has inspired other power plant owners to build more initiatives in the future to create a greener, better world.


Parque Elico Rawson II is situated at 28.8 N, -43.3522 W, -65.1734 in the Chubut province of Argentina. It was built in 2021 and has a 28.8 MW wind capacity. The province’s long-term plan to cut emissions and make the switch to renewable energy sources includes this relatively new initiative as a significant component.

The Patagonian winds are used by Parque Elico Rawson II to generate electricity, reducing the need for carbon-intensive power sources in the area. The power plant’s incredibly stable and efficient wind turbines allow it to provide peak electricity estimations of up to 28.8 MW. To ensure optimum availability and minimal losses, the electricity generated is delivered to the local grid through a dedicated connection. The electricity produced is used for a variety of uses, including mixed-use, business, and residential.

The power plant’s operator, ENARSA, is bringing the Chubut province one step closer to its objective of generating 100% renewable energy by 2030 by building Parque E lico Rawson II. The company’s stated goals include reducing the energy production process’s negative environmental effects and raising the standard of the electricity produced. ENARSA is also dedicated to handling any required maintenance and repairs, observing the plant’s power output, and offering users effective customer service.


A 2.4 MW power plant called Pico Truncado – Jorge Romanutti is situated in Patagonia, Argentina. It started generating electricity in April 2021.Latitude -46.8065 and Longitude -67.9808 are the coordinates of the power plant. It is a 2.4 MW wind power plant, which means that wind is its main source of energy.

The facility was built as part of a strategy to encourage energy conservation in the area. In addition to supplying the neighborhood with electricity, Pico Truncado – Jorge Romanutti will promote the growth of wind energy in the region. It is anticipated to provide the same amount of energy each year to power about 2,000 houses.

In Patagonia, the Pico Truncado-Jorge Romanutti project is a trailblazing example of renewable energy. In addition to assisting Patagonia in its transition to a sustainable future, it also helps Argentina achieve its objective of using only renewable energy by the year 2050.

Powerplant PUNTA ALTA – CENTENARIO Reviews

A 1.8 megawatt wind power facility known as Punta Alta-Centenario can be found in the Chubut region of northern Argentina’s city of Punta Alta. This large-scale renewable energy facility is located at 38.7833 degrees south and 61.8984 degrees west, and it mostly uses wind turbines to produce electricity. Since it began operating in July 2011, it has grown to produce about 1.8 gigawatt hours of electricity annually.

Twenty wind turbines make up the Punta Alta-Centenario, which was constructed on a 67,500 square meter plot of land. The total installed capacity of the turbines, which each have a 90 kW capacity, is 18,000 kW. The wind farm is anticipated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, supply the area with renewable electricity, and support Argentina’s efforts to lessen its environmental effect.


Q. What is the primary source of energy production in Argentina?

A. Thermoelectric power stations, which generate electricity by burning fossil fuels, are Argentina’s main energy producers. Hydroelectric, solar, and wind energy all contribute to the creation of energy, though to a considerably lesser extent.

Q. What is the total installed wind power capacity in Argentina?

A. As of the end of 2018, Argentina had an installed wind power capacity of approximately 2,129 MW. Less than 2% of Argentina’s entire power producing capacity comes from this.

Q. What are the main challenges to the development of wind power in Argentina?

A. Difficulties in obtaining licenses, the high cost of energy produced, the great distance between prospective sources and users, the need for better transmission infrastructure, and a lack of readily available funding are the key obstacles to the growth of wind power in Argentina.

Q. What incentives are in place for the development of wind power in Argentina?

A variety of incentives have been put in place by the Argentine government to promote the growth of wind energy. These include green bonds, renewable energy certificates, taxes and subsidies, and feed-in tariffs. Additionally, several wind energy initiatives are being managed by commercial businesses.

Q. Have there been any recent projects in Argentina’s wind energy development?

A. There have been recent wind energy development projects in Argentina, most notably the Ibera Wind Farm in Chubut. With a 100 MW installed capacity, this project is slated to be Argentina’s biggest wind farm. Currently, there are also several minor projects in development.

I hope you enjoyed reading the information on All Wind Power Plants in Argentina above. If you did and have any feedback, please share it in the comments below.

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