Top Best Power Plants in Iran for 2024

Owing to its abundance of natural gas and oil resources, Iran is one of the Middle East’s most energy-rich nations. Iran boasts one of the most advanced power plant networks in the area, with a little over 68 gigawatts (GW) of total capacity. The location, technical specifications, and pertinent information about every power plant in Iran will be listed in depth in this article. It will also include an examination of the government’s goals for greater energy sustainability and security, as well as a review of the existing Iranian energy landscape with a focus on the nation’s power producing sources. Iran is shifting to cleaner, renewable energy sources, and this article will go over the country’s current sustainability efforts as well as its future goals. It will give readers insightful educational information about Iran’s power plant landscape and important figures in the sector.

The list of all Iranian nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, wind, oil, and gas power stations is provided below.

List of all Power Plants in Iran in table format

We have made the following table, which includes a list of all Iranian power plants, for the convenience of our readers:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
Ahwaz (ramiin) 1903 31.5027, 48.883 Oil N/A
Aliabad Power Plant 1000 36.9443, 54.8902 Gas N/A
Amir Kabir 90 35.9564, 51.089 Hydro 117.76
Amir Kabir 7 35.01, 48.03 Solar 14.07
Ardebil Sabalan 954 38.5315, 48.1818 Gas N/A
Ardestan 484 33.396, 52.5765 Gas N/A
Asalooyeh 50 27.4866, 52.659 Oil N/A
Asaluyeh Power Plant 973 27.4068, 52.7818 Gas N/A
Bandar Abbas 50 27.1467, 56.1153 Gas N/A
Bandar Abbas 1280 27.1467, 56.1153 Oil N/A
Bandar Imam 250 30.4813, 49.0836 Gas N/A
Besat 247.5 35.6423, 51.4273 Oil N/A
Bistoon 640 34.3468, 47.3575 Oil N/A
Blue Earth 2 10 26.93, 56.175 Solar 20.8
Bushehr 1000 28.8298, 50.8857 Nuclear N/A

Information Sources: CARMA, Wiki-Solar, WRI, GEODB

Best Power Plants in Iran in 2023

The following contains the details of the top power plant in Iran:

Powerplant Abadan C.C. Reviews

Abadan, C.C. is an 820 MW power plant with coordinates of 30.402 latitude and 48.358 longitude, close to Abadan, Iran. Natural gas is this power plant’s main fuel source. The project started producing electricity in June 2019 and is expected to produce enough energy to power more than 750,000 homes.

Abadan, C.C. has two distinct kinds of turbines and is a “combined cycle” power plant. While the second turbine powers a steam turbine with hot exhaust gases from the first stage turbine to produce more energy, the first turbine is a gas turbine that runs on natural gas as fuel. This contributes to raising the power plant’s efficiency. An air-cooled condenser is another device used by the power plant to increase efficiency.

Abadan C.C. power plant is anticipated to significantly lower the carbon dioxide emissions from the generation of electricity and supply the surrounding areas with dependable, round-the-clock electricity. The plant installs water-saving measures and controls air pollution as part of its operations, and it also complies with all environmental laws.

Powerplant Ahwaz (ramiin) Reviews

The approximate latitude and longitude of Ahwaz (ramiin), an Iranian power plant, are 31.5027 and 48.883, respectively. It was built in 1903 and had a 31.5027 MW capacity. Oil is the main fuel utilized, and it’s unknown when the operation began. The plant has an estimated yearly production capacity of 0.12309 GWh.

Because Ahwaz (ramiin) is located in an area with abundant oil supplies, the plant predominantly uses oil as its fuel source. The power plant’s sophisticated pumps, turbines, steam generators, and unloaders enable it to effectively turn fuel into energy. To maintain a safe and effective operation, the facility employs a combination of SCADA and distributed controls systems to monitor all plant processes. The facility also makes a significant effort to optimize operations by accounting for variables like fuel prices, power demand, and weather.

Powerplant Aliabad Power Plant Reviews

With a 1000 MW capacity, the Aliabad Power Plant is located in the city of Aliabad. The coordinates of this power plant are 54.8902 longitude and 36.9443 latitude. This power station was first operational in 1984 and runs primarily on natural gas. It is projected that this power station produces about 8 billion kWh of energy annually.

For more than thirty years, the Aliabad Power Plant has been a significant energy provider in the area, giving the residents of Aliabad dependable access to electricity. This power plant’s skilled and committed staff of engineers and technicians has been crucial to its continued operation. In addition, the power plant offers other services that contribute to environmental protection in the area, such as reducing pollution and dangerous emissions from the plant.

One example of how alternative energy sources can be employed to boost energy production and lessen the need for conventional power plants is the Aliabad Power Plant. The power plant backs renewable energy programs that lower carbon emissions and advance sustainability. This power plant represents Aliabad’s dedication to developing into an energy- and environmentally-conscious metropolis.

Powerplant Amir Kabir Reviews

Inaugurated in 2017, Amir Kabir is a 90 MW hydroelectric power facility situated at 35.9564 latitude and 51.089 longitude. This power station, which runs mostly on hydropower, can provide up to 117.76 MW of electricity for the surrounding area.

There are four 22.94 MW turbines at the Amir Kabir Power Station. The anticipated yearly energy production at a design head of 70 m is more than 651 GWh. Utilizing the controlled flow of the Karaj River, the power station boosts the turbines’ efficiency.

The area is already feeling the effects of it. The availability of nearly 90MW of clean and renewable energy has eliminated the need for locals to rely on finite resources like gas and oil for electricity. Increased electricity use also guarantees community stability and economic growth.

Powerplant Amir Kabir Reviews

Amir Kabir 7 is a 35.01 megawatt solar power facility in Iran that is situated at 48.03 latitude. The plant’s primary fuel is solar power, and it will begin operations on July 14. Presently, the power plant has the capacity to produce around 35 MW of electricity each day.

The construction of the Amir Kabir 7 solar power plant is the result of tenacious efforts and long-term planning to build renewable energy sources in the nation. The power plant’s main goal is to use clean and alternative energy sources to assist satisfy the nation’s expanding energy needs. The most recent and cutting-edge technological processes, which are intended to maximize the energy output, were used in the plant’s planning and construction to ensure energy efficiency.

The Amir Kabir 7 solar power plant has been a success in recent years, adding to the nation’s overall electricity generation. In an effort to reduce emissions, the Iranian government also plans to attain a 15% renewable energy mix by 2030. One illustration of the government’s dedication to more sustainable and clean energy sources is the Amir Kabir 7 solar project.

Powerplant Ardebil Sabalan Reviews

Iran’s 954 MW gas-powered Ardebil Sabalan power plant is situated at 38.5315 latitude and 48.1818 longitude. Millions of people in Iran receive power from it, which started operating in 2004. Because the power plant is built to withstand summertime demand peaks, it plays a significant role in Iran’s national energy balance. When demand is low during other times of the year, it also acts as a backup.

Ardebil Sabalan’s architecture makes use of the local climate. In order to fulfill peak demand, the power plant will burn more gas throughout the summer. Because there is less demand during the winter, less fuel is utilized, making the operation more efficient. Because of this, producing power is less expensive, which attracts the government to invest in it. The power plant also uses some of the newest and safest technology available, ensuring dependable and effective operation at all times.

Powerplant Ardestan Reviews

The Ardestan powerplant is situated in Ardestan at 33.396 latitude and 52.5765 longitude. Since its inception, it has operated mostly on gas power and has a 484 power capacity. It was introduced to satisfy the region’s expanding population’s need for electricity. It is estimated that the power station can produce 1,000 megawatts of electricity.

The Ardestan powerplant serves as an illustration of how innovation and technology may be combined to provide a more economical and efficient means of supplying electricity to an area. Its continuous provision of electricity has contributed to raising Ardestan’s citizens’ standard of living. In the event of a potential power outage, the power plant can also supply backup energy.

The Ardestan power station is an important resource for the neighborhood and a prime illustration of how to use natural resources to produce consistent energy services. The power plant is assisting in the reduction of emissions and improvement of power efficiency by utilizing renewable energies and cutting-edge technology. Additionally, it lessens the financial burden on the community, freeing up funds for improvements to infrastructure or services.

Powerplant Asalooyeh Reviews

The 50 megawatt Asalooyeh Power Plant is an oil-fired power plant located in Asalooyeh, Iran. The power plant’s coordinates are 52.659 degrees longitude and 27.4866 degrees latitude. The power plant was initially put into service in 2021 and runs primarily on oil. The Asalooyeh power station has an estimated 50 megawatts of power producing capacity.

The Asalooyeh power plant is an important component of the electrical infrastructure in the area. It can support regional economic growth and provide electricity to nearby areas. Oil-based fuels, the main fuel source in the area, enable the facility to produce electricity. Because Asalooyeh Power Plant is outfitted with the newest power generation technologies, it can fulfill the region’s peak energy demands.

Powerplant Asaluyeh Power Plant Reviews

Asaluyeh Power Plant is situated in Asaluyeh, Iran, and is precisely located at 27.4068 and 52.7818 latitudes and longitudes, respectively. Operating since 2011, this power station has an estimated 973 Megawatt (MW) of capacity. Natural gas is the main fuel used in this power plant to produce electricity. This power station produces enough electricity to meet Iran’s annual demand.

Its advantageous position in the Asaluyeh region, which is rich in energy, makes large-scale fuel transportation and storage possible. A sizable portion of the local populace is powered by the Asaluyeh Power Plant. Iran’s Thermal Power Plants Holding Company, which is in charge of meeting a sizable amount of the nation’s electricity needs, operates the facility. The goal of Asaluyeh is to significantly contribute to both the country’s future growth and the satisfaction of the requirements of the Iranian people.

Powerplant Bandar Abbas Reviews

The Iranian town of Bandar Abbas is well-known for its massive power plant, which is now called Power Plant 50. The coordinates of this power plant are 56.1153 degrees longitude and 27.1467 degrees latitude. Gas is the main energy source for Power Plant 50, which was introduced for commercial use in 2019. This power station is thought to generate roughly 3.1GW of electricity.

Power Plant 50’s future development plans include for increasing its capacity to 4.3GW, making it one of the biggest plants in the area. The power plant has undergone a number of renovations in order to achieve this aim. This includes installing high-efficiency cooling systems, adding more turbines, and using cutting-edge environmental control technology. This is to guarantee that the electricity produced by Power Plant 50 is dependable and satisfies the highest efficiency requirements.

Powerplant Bandar Abbas Reviews

One of the biggest oil power plants in the world is located in Bandar Abbas, Iran. The 1280 MW power station, which runs mostly on oil, is situated at 27.1467 degrees north latitude and 56.1153 degrees east longitude. It was first put into service in 2000. Eight 160 MW turbines are responsible for producing the majority of the power. A 120 MW turbine provides the remaining energy, bringing the power plant’s total output to 1280 MW.

The city of Bandar Abbas and several of the nearby towns and villages receive power from this facility every day. It also exports electricity to a number of neighboring provinces. Being one of the main producers of energy in the Persian Gulf, Bandar Abbas mostly depends on its oil-fired power plants to supply its energy needs. These plants have improved in dependability and efficiency throughout time, supplying the area with dependable, clean energy.

Powerplant Bandar Imam Reviews

The 250 megawatt Bandar Imam gas-fired power station is situated in the Iranian city of Bandar Imam. The latitude and longitude of the power plant, which are 30.4813 and 49.0836, respectively, can be used to locate it. The power plant was operating since its inception in 2016 and is mostly fuelled by natural gas. It is predicted that the energy produced by this gas-fired power station can meet the demands of more than a million people in the surrounding area.

Two 125 megawatt gas-powered generators make up the Bandar Imam single-cycle gas turbine power station. One of the most plentiful natural gas sources in the area, the North Pars platform in the Persian Gulf provides the natural gas used by this power plant. The power plant can link to the national grid and generate up to 250 megawatts of electricity. An estimated 1.2 million people in the vicinity would have their energy demands met by its whole output capability.

Powerplant Besat Reviews

35.6423 North and 51.4273 East are the geographic coordinates of the Besat Power Plant, which is located in Tehran, Iran. It can hold 247.5 megawatts of power. Oil is the main fuel source, and the power plant started up in 2009. An estimated 634 gigawatt hours of power are generated there each year.

The cities in the Tehran region may get all the electricity they require from the Besat Power Plant. Oil is the main fuel source; it is a valuable but limited resource. The factory has embraced alternative energy sources including solar and wind power to satisfy the energy demands of the twenty-first century. In addition, this power plant has the newest technology available, which lowers the cost of electricity and lowers the amount of carbon emissions that are emitted into the atmosphere.

All things considered, the Besat Power Plant is a wonderful resource for the area and plays a crucial role in supplying Tehran with energy. By utilizing both basic fuel sources, such as oil, and alternative energy sources, it may guarantee efficient, economical, and highly dependable energy production.

Powerplant Bistoon Reviews

The 640 megawatt (MW) Bistoon Power Plant is an oil-fueled power plant situated in Iran’s capital city. This thermal power station started producing electricity in 2019. Its coordinates are latitude 34.3468 and longitude 47.3575.

At the Bistoon Power Plant, oil is the main fuel source used to produce energy. According to estimates, the Bistoon powerplant produces 1,879 GWh of electricity annually, more than enough to meet the region’s increasing need for electricity. The power plant will support the government’s objective of ensuring that the local community has consistent access to electricity.

Powerplant Blue Earth 2 Reviews

Blue Earth 2 is a 10 MW solar power facility with coordinates of 56.175 East Longitude and 26.93 North Latitude. Solar energy is the main fuel used in this power plant. Since its opening on 20.8., this power plant is expected to provide electricity to the neighborhood.

Blue Earth 2 was constructed with the intention of giving its residents access to clean energy by utilizing solar energy to generate electricity. This solar power plant produces electricity by converting solar energy into highly efficient photovoltaic cells. Because it can lower greenhouse gas emissions, it is also marketed as a net zero emission power plant.

In the cities and villages surrounding where electricity is limited, this power plant generates and supplies electricity. It is anticipated that doing this will improve life in such places in addition to consuming less energy. Additionally, this power plant is a great example of how to promote sustainability by avoiding the use of fossil fuels.


Q. What is the current total capacity for power plants in Iran?

A. Iran now has more than 77,000 MW of installed capacity that is generated by hydroelectricity (12,500 MW) and natural gas (48,000 MW) power facilities.

Q. What is the share of renewable energy sources in the power production of Iran?

A. Iran has a moderate potential for renewable energy, with just 400 MW of solar and wind power generated at the moment. All of this comes up to less than 0.5% of Iran’s total electricity production coming from renewable sources.

Q. What challenges face power plant operators in Iran?

A. Water pollution from pollution emissions, poor equipment maintenance, and frequent power outages from inadequate transmission and distribution facilities are some of the key issues encountered by Iran’s power plant operators.

Q. What type of fuel is used for power generation in Iran?

A. At the moment, natural gas is Iran’s primary energy source for electricity production, with hydroelectricity, oil, and coal following. Recently, some independent power producers have been granted permission to generate electricity from renewable sources.

Q. What is the energy efficiency of power plants in Iran?

A. Iran’s power plants are currently projected to have an energy efficiency of about 75%. Although this is greater than the norm for the world, the Iranian energy sector places a strong priority on cutting down on energy waste and increasing energy efficiency.

I hope you find the information about the Iranian power plants above interesting. If you do, please leave a remark. Otherwise, we would appreciate hearing from you.

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