Top Best Nuclear Power Plants in United States of America for 2025

There are numerous power plants in the United States of America that generate energy from a variety of sources, including coal, natural gas, nuclear, solar, wind, and geothermal. The list of all power plants in the USA is lengthy and includes many different kinds of power plants that supply electricity to various states throughout the nation. Millions of homes around the US receive electricity thanks in large part to the country’s power plants. This list includes every kind of power plant that can be found in the United States of America. It explores each plant’s specifics, including its precise location, the kind of power it produces, how much electricity it generates, and other important factors. All individuals who are interested in the power plants across the USA can use it as a helpful resource.

The list of all nuclear power stations in the United States is provided below.

List of all Nuclear Power Plants in United States of America in table format

For the benefit of our readers, we have compiled a list of nuclear power plants in the United States of America in the following table:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
Beaver Valley 1846.8 40.6219, -80.4336 Nuclear N/A
Braidwood Generation Station 2449.8 41.2435, -88.2286 Nuclear N/A
Browns Ferry 3494 34.7042, -87.1189 Nuclear N/A
Brunswick Nuclear 2003.2 33.9597, -78.0114 Nuclear N/A
Byron Generating Station 2449.8 42.0742, -89.2819 Nuclear N/A
Callaway 1235.8 38.7589, -91.7788 Nuclear N/A
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant 1850.4 38.4344, -76.4417 Nuclear N/A
Catawba 2410.2 35.0514, -81.0694 Nuclear N/A
Clinton Power Station 1138.3 40.1719, -88.8339 Nuclear N/A
Columbia Generating Station 1200 46.4711, -119.3339 Nuclear N/A
Comanche Peak 2430 32.2984, -97.7855 Nuclear N/A
Cooper Nuclear Station 801 40.3628, -95.6408 Nuclear N/A
Davis Besse 925.2 41.5967, -83.0861 Nuclear N/A
Diablo Canyon 2323 35.2115, -120.8555 Nuclear N/A
Donald C Cook 2285.3 41.9756, -86.5652 Nuclear N/A

Information sourced from the U.S. WRI, Wiki-Solar, the Energy Information Administration

Best Nuclear Power Plants in United States of America in 2025

The following information is given regarding the finest nuclear power plant in the United States of America:

Powerplant Arkansas Nuclear One Reviews

An 1845 megawatt power facility called Arkansas Nuclear One can be found in Russellville, Arkansas. Entergy Nuclear is the owner and operator of this. This plant generates the majority of its energy using nuclear fuel. The facility was a crucial component of Arkansas’s energy mix when it started full-scale commercial operation in 1986. Through its network of transmission connections, Arkansas Nuclear One, an advanced boiling water reactor, provides electricity to users all around the state.

The factory is situated at coordinates 35.311N and 93.2351W. To protect individuals who live and work nearby, the factory also has numerous safety procedures in place. In addition to producing electricity at Arkansas Nuclear One, the plant’s employees help support the community’s economy by offering jobs and services. By doing this, Arkansas Nuclear One contributes to ensuring a secure and consistent energy supply for communities throughout Arkansas.

Powerplant Beaver Valley Reviews

A 1,846.8 megawatt nuclear power facility called Beaver Valley Power Station is situated near Shippingport, Pennsylvania, on the Ohio River, about 40 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. More than 1.6 million megawatt-hours of electricity may be generated daily by its two operational nuclear reactors, lighting, heating, and powering homes and businesses across Pennsylvania. The facility is situated at latitude 40.6219 and longitude -80.4336 on the Ohio River.

Beaver Valley was first put online in 1967 and is currently expected to run until 2054. The FirstEnergy Corporation’s subsidiaries own and run it. Uranium is its main fuel source. More than 3 million houses might be powered by the electricity produced by its reactors. The power station may recycle old nuclear fuel from other FirstEnergy nuclear facilities in addition to producing energy.

Powerplant Braidwood Generation Station Reviews

Exelon Generation runs the Braidwood Generation Station, which is situated in Will County, Illinois. With a 2449.8 megawatt (MW) power plant capacity, it is one of the biggest nuclear power stations in the US. The power plant’s precise coordinates are 41.2435 latitude and -88.2286 longitude. Nuclear fuel is the main fuel source at Braidwood, which has been in operation since 1988 and generates an estimated 23.5 Million Megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity annually.

The Braidwood Generation Station is a component of the 2480 MW, two nuclear reactor-equipped Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station owned by Exelon. Braidwood is powered by four steam electric turbines with two reheat stages and uses pressurized water reactor technology. It ranks as the fourth-largest nuclear power facility of its kind in the country. The plant has been used as a research facility for creating new technologies used in nuclear power plant operations in addition to supplying electricity to the neighborhood.

Powerplant Browns Ferry Reviews

Near Decatur in Alabama, United States, at latitude 34.7042 and longitude -87.1189, there is a nuclear power facility called Browns Ferry. It was initially turned on in 1974 and has a 3,494 megawatt capacity. The power plant employs uranium as its main fuel type, along with uranium oxide and plutonium oxide. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) runs Browns Ferry, the oldest nuclear power station in Alabama. Browns Ferry’s power is essential to preserving the area’s energy supply. Over 3 million homes and businesses in the area have been powered by the power plant since it first began operating. In order to maintain the power plant up to date with contemporary safety and efficiency standards, TVA has made investments over the years. Modern safety systems, such as infiltration detectors and computerized control systems, are present in the power plant.

This year, Browns Ferry is expected to generate 18,000 Gigawatt hours of electricity, which is enough to power 1.9 million homes in Alabama. The power plant plays a significant role in the area, and its accessibility, dependability, and sustainability make it a priceless energy source. It continues to provide Alabama and its neighboring states with a steady source of electricity.

Powerplant Brunswick Nuclear Reviews

Southport, North Carolina is home to the Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant. It is owned by Progress Energy Carolinas and has a power capacity of about 1275 Megawatts. The Duke Energy Corporation is in charge of running the power plant, which was put into service in 2025.2. 33.9597 N, 78.0114 W is the location of the nuclear power plant. In times of need, oil is used to supplement the nuclear energy that powers Brunswick Nuclear. The power station is the largest nuclear power facility in North and South Carolina, producing an estimated 11 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually.

There is a long history of safety repute and safeguards at the Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant. It has one of the most advanced safety control systems in the country as well as redundant safety equipment. The Nuclear Power Plant is under the IMPAQT and “STARS” programs of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and it has received the American Nuclear Society Merit Award for Excellence in Communications. The factory also makes use of a range of innovative technologies to track its operation and spot any possible inefficiencies.

Powerplant Byron Generating Station Reviews

The Byron Generating Station is a nuclear power facility with two reactor units that can produce 2449.8 MW in Ogle County, Illinois, in the United States. The plant can be found at 42.0742 latitude and -89.2819 longitude. At Byron Generating Station, nuclear energy is employed as the main fuel to generate power. The factory began running in 1985 and has continued doing so ever since. The power plant is projected to produce about 16796000000 kWh of electricity each year.

As the first nuclear power plant in the USA to obtain the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) Excellence Award, Byron Generating Station establishes a model for other nuclear power facilities. With a capability factor of up to 93+ percent, its nuclear reactors are among the most effective in the world and can produce more energy per unit of fuel than any other reactor. The plant also has a stellar safety record and is regularly checked by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to make sure that it is operating in accordance with the best operational and safety procedures.

Powerplant Callaway Reviews

Callaway is a power plant with an installed capacity of 1235.8 MW that is situated in Missouri, USA. Its coordinates are 38.7589 North and 91.7788 West. It was put into operation in July 1984 and runs primarily on nuclear energy. Ameren, the state’s major energy supplier, runs Callaway. The facility is expected to contribute significantly to the state’s energy supply, producing about 22 million metric tons of power yearly. Additionally, it contributes to Missouri’s status as one of the nation’s top states for nuclear energy production.

With the use of cutting-edge fuel cycle techniques, seismic and protective systems, real-time surveillance systems, and other cutting-edge technology, Callaway is a dependable and safe source of energy. Modern monitoring systems that measure emissions and evaluate the plant’s operation and safety are also included. This makes it possible to guarantee that Callaway’s power generation satisfies the greatest levels of reliability and safety.

Powerplant Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Reviews

The 1850.4 MW Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant is situated in Calvert Cliffs, Maryland. 38.4344 latitude and -76.4417 longitude are its precise coordinates. In operation since 1975, this power station predominantly uses nuclear energy as fuel. According to estimates, the plant can provide enough electricity to supply more than 1.2 million households.

One of the safest and most dependable energy sources in the United States is the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. It is able to give its residents safe, clean electricity while producing no pollution in the process. The facility has been in operation for more than 45 years, and during that time, its safety record has been flawless. The people who live nearby benefit from the energy security and dependability this power plant offers by helping to meet society’s ongoing energy needs.

Powerplant Catawba Reviews

One of the most potent nuclear power plants in the US is the Catawba nuclear power station, which is situated in York County, South Carolina, next to the Catawba River. With a 2410.2 MW capacity, the facility can supply more than 18 million people in the southeast of the US with electricity. The facility, which can be found in latitude 35.0514 and longitude -81.0694, gets its main fuel from nuclear reactors. The power plant began operating in 1985 and has a yearly electricity production capacity of around 20.5 million Megawatt hours.

With a production efficiency score of roughly 67%, Catawba is among the most effective power plants in the country. The facility also has a stellar safety record; it is one of the few nuclear power plants in the nation to have an accident-free operational history when it first began operations. Duke Energy is in charge of the Catawba nuclear power station, which provides crucial energy to South Carolina and the southeast of the United States.

Powerplant Clinton Power Station Reviews

Near the Illinois town of Clinton, at 40.1719N latitude and 88.8339W longitude, is the Clinton Power Station, a nuclear-powered generating facility. It ranks as the 23rd largest power plant in the US with a total capacity of 1138.3 megawatts. In 2018, the station received a new operating license for 20 years after it was first put into service in 1987. Its main fuel source is depleted uranium that was left over from the manufacturing of nuclear weapons, with most of it coming from natural uranium sources.

As a base-load nuclear power station, the Clinton Power Station normally offers a consistent and continuous source of energy and does not require as much downtime for refueling as other nuclear power facilities. The plant generates enough electricity to power over four million homes, according to estimates, and provides it to clients across a sizable portion of the United States. Exelon Corporation, a significant energy business with several facilities around the United States, is the owner and operator of the facility.

Powerplant Columbia Generating Station Reviews

The Columbia Generating Station is a 1,200 megawatt nuclear power facility situated roughly at 46.4711, -119.3339 in Washington State, USA. The Columbia Generating Station, owned and run by Energy Northwest, is the sole commercial nuclear power station still in operation in the Northwest as of 1984. With an anticipated yearly power generation of 10 billion KW hours, nuclear energy is used as its main fuel.

The turbine is powered by the steam generated by the reactor, which is a Boeing Common Core Reactor. The neighboring Columbia River serves as the plant’s cooling source, and an on-site facility was built specifically to house the station’s waste. The regional energy grid receives electricity from the plant’s power output.

Since it initially started operating more than 30 years ago, the Columbia Generating Station has delivered safe, dependable power. It is supervised and controlled by highly qualified engineers and technicians, and its safety and security standards are routinely updated to guarantee peak performance. The plant also strives to operate in a manner that is environmentally friendly and complies with all of the rules and guidelines established by the United States. Atomic Energy Commission.

Powerplant Comanche Peak Reviews

Nuclear power facility Comanche Peak is close to Glen Rose, Texas. The distance from the City of Dallas to it is about 100 miles. The plant has a 2430 megawatt power generation capacity, making it the second largest nuclear power plant in the country. The plant, which started operations in 1990, uses nuclear energy as its main fuel.

The Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant is one of the safest nuclear power plants in the world. Its latitude and longitude are 32.2984 and -97.7855, respectively. The pressurized water type nuclear reactors run on fuel made of enriched uranium. More than a million homes could be powered by Comanche Peak’s annual electricity output of about 18 million megawatt-hours.

Powerplant Cooper Nuclear Station Reviews

Near Brownsville, Nebraska, Cooper Nuclear Station is an 801 megawatt (MW) nuclear power facility with coordinates of 40.3628 and -95.6408. The Omaha Public Power District, which also owns eight other nuclear power facilities nearby, is responsible for both its ownership and operation. The Cooper Nuclear Station, Nebraska’s sole nuclear power plant, has been in service since 1976. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has granted the Cooper Nuclear facility a license to continue operating till 2034. It uses nuclear fuel as its main source of fuel for energy production. The facility ranked as the fourth largest nuclear power plant in the US in 2019 with an expected 4.8 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity production. Additionally, it is Nebraska’s main source of carbon dioxide-free electricity with no greenhouse gas emissions.

Powerplant Davis Besse Reviews

In Davis Besse, Ohio, at latitude 41.5967 and longitude -83.0861, there is a nuclear power facility with a 925.2 megawatt capacity. Since its construction began in 1977, it has provided the area with electricity and is one of the biggest nuclear power stations in the country. It serves over 2 million people and is owned and run by FirstEnergy Corp. The plant uses nuclear energy as its main fuel source, making it one of the most effective and secure ways to generate energy in the country.

The Davis Besse nuclear power plant is expected to produce more than 360 million megawatt hours of energy over its lifetime, which is sufficient to power over 30 million homes. It generates tremendous electricity and emits no pollutants into the air, land, or water, making it a fantastic sustainable energy source for the environment. Additionally, in order to meet the greatest safety standards, all of its employees receive constant training and licensing. The Davis Besse Nuclear Power Plant is a prime illustration of the numerous advantages of nuclear power plants and will continue to offer reliable and eco-friendly electricity to the area for many years to come.

Powerplant Diablo Canyon Reviews

A nuclear power plant called Diablo Canyon is situated in California along the coast not far from San Luis Obispo. Two reactors with a combined 2323 megawatts are housed in the plant. Latitude and longitude of the plant are 35.2115 and -120.8555, respectively. Nuclear energy serves as the plant’s main fuel source. Since it was put into operation in 1985, Diablo Canyon is thought to produce about 18,500 million kilowatt hours of electricity every year.

With decades of secure operation, Diablo Canyon has a reputation of providing safe and dependable service, making it a significant component of California’s energy portfolio. It is the only nuclear plant in California and the second-largest nuclear power facility in the country. With millions of dollars in economic advantages to nearby communities like San Luis Obispo and Monterey Counties, it has grown to be a significant source of income for the region. The plant has also played a significant role in the nation’s efforts to secure its energy supply by offering a dependable and affordable source of electricity.


Q.What role does the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission play in the operation of US nuclear power plants?

A. The regulatory organization tasked with assuring the efficient, secure, and safe operation of nuclear power facilities in the US is known as the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). For both new and existing nuclear power plants, the NRC establishes, upholds, and reviews safety and security requirements. It also manages the licensing, compliance, and inspection procedures for plants and oversees reactor oversight and enforcement, which includes a review of corrective actions, emergency preparations, and security measures.

Q. How safe is a nuclear power plant in the US?

A. The greatest safety requirements in the world are applied to nuclear power facilities in the US. Nuclear power facilities in the US are built, controlled, and planned for safe operation. All US nuclear power stations are under the control of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), which also sets and enforces safety requirements. Additionally, utilities that run nuclear facilities must conform to NRC rules and have extensive training.

Q. Does the US use high level nuclear waste from nuclear power plants?

A. Used fuel and other high-level radioactive waste, such as products from spent fuel reprocessing, are produced by nuclear power stations. The US does not store this trash in a deep geological deposit, unlike some other nations. Used fuel is currently kept on site at nuclear power plants in authorized, secure dry storage containers. The US is currently striving to create a long-term trash disposal method.

Q. Do US nuclear power plants produce greenhouse gases?

A. No, nuclear power plants in the United States don’t emit greenhouse gases. Nuclear power plants generate energy without releasing any carbon dioxide, which harms the planet, and use the non-renewable energy source uranium as fuel. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) calculates that since its inception, nuclear energy has prevented the release of more than 2.5 billion metric tons of CO2.

Q. How much energy does a US nuclear power plant generate?

A. In the US, nuclear power plants typically produce 1,000 megawatts of electricity. This is equivalent to the energy produced by three to four coal plants or two natural gas facilities. Additionally, US nuclear power reactors have the capacity to generate 3 million houses’ worth of electricity.

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