Top Best Geothermal Power Plants in Turkey for 2025

Turkey is a country that is rich in energy resources, and as such, it is home to many power plants. This list is a compilation of all the power plants across Turkey. It includes information such as the Power Plant name, type, generation capacity, and status. This list gives a comprehensive overview of the power plants in the country, providing all the details needed to understand Turkey s energy capacity. It can be used to identify potential sources of energy and sources that may require upgrades or additional investments. Additionally, this list can provide insight into the current and future energy demands of the country. With this data, the government and private sector can take proactive steps to ensure security and reliability of their energy sources.

Below, we have list of all Geothermal power plants in Turkey.

List of all Geothermal Power Plants in Turkey in table format

For the benefit of our readers, we have created the following table, which contains a list of Geothermal power plant in Turkey :

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
Deniz 24 37.8592, 27.6145 Geothermal N/A
Dora 3 34 37.857, 28.0716 Geothermal N/A
Dora 4 17 37.8578, 28.0921 Geothermal N/A
Efeler 114 37.8656, 27.6474 Geothermal N/A
Galip Hoca Germencik 47 37.8845, 27.6304 Geothermal N/A
G m k y 13 37.8534, 27.4658 Geothermal N/A
Kizildere 2 80 37.9499, 28.8354 Geothermal N/A
K z ldere (Zorlu) 15 37.9499, 28.8354 Geothermal N/A
Pamuk ren 68 37.9171, 28.5297 Geothermal N/A
Pamuk ren 2 23 37.9171, 28.5297 Geothermal N/A

Info Source : Wiki-Solar, WRI, GCPT, GEODB

Best Geothermal Power Plants in Turkey in 2025

The information of best Geothermal Power Plant in Turkey is provided below :

Powerplant Ala ehir Reviews

The Ala ehir Powerplant is a 45 MW power plant located in Ala ehir, Turkey at the coordinates of 38.4002 North, 28.4311 East. It is a Geothermal Power Plant, meaning that it uses heated brine from underground reservoirs, which is injected back into the reservoir after it is used. The powerplant began operations in 2019 and is estimated to generate up to 45MW of energy.

The Ala ehir Powerplant is owned by the Turkish Government and provides reliable and clean energy to the region. Turkey has been transitioning towards cleaner forms of energy to meet the country s growing demand for electricity. As a result, geothermal energy has been playing an increasing role in fulfilling the needs of Turkey. The Ala ehir Powerplant is part of that transition and contributes to Turkey’s ambition to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions.

Powerplant Deniz Reviews

Deniz is a 24 MW geothermal power plant located at 37.8592 latitude and 27.6145 longitude. The power plant has been in operation since 2004 and is responsible for providing enough energy to meet the energy needs of nearly 34,000 homes. It does not rely solely on one source of fuel, but instead utilizes a variety of fuels to generate electricity, including natural gas, diesel, and nuclear. This ensures that the power plant remains operational even in off peak times when electricity demands increase.

The geothermal energy used by the Deniz power plant is produced by the earth and harvested by digging deep wells. The super heated underground water is brought to the surface and used to generate steam which then drives turbines, producing electricity. This process makes use of little to no fossil fuels, reducing its environmental impact and emissions. The power plant is also equipped with systems such as air-curtains, desiccants and automatic heater controls to reduce emissions.

Powerplant Dora 3 Reviews

Dora 3 is a 34 megawatt geothermal power plant located at Latitude 37.857 and Longitude 28.0716 in the country of _____. The power plant began operations on _____, with an estimated power generation of 34 megawatts. The primary fuel for Dora 3 is geothermal energy which is a renewable energy source derived from the heat of the Earth s core. This clean energy requires no combustible fuel sources to generate electricity and it eliminates emissions of potential pollutants generated by burning fossil fuels.

The Dora 3 geothermal power plant is owned and operated by _____. The plant utilizes a binary cycle technology to extract the energy from the Earth s core and turn it into electrical power. This technology allows the plant to generate electricity more efficiently compared to traditional geothermal plants which means lower overall costs for the utility company. Additionally, the plant helps to reduce the dependence on imports of energy to meet local needs.

Powerplant Dora 4 Reviews

Dora 4 is a 17 Megawatt (MW) geothermal power plant located in Latitude 37.8578, Longitude 28.0921. It is owned by Turkish energy firm & has started its power generation from April 2020. It is the first geothermal power plant in Turkey and is the second largest geothermal power plant in world.

It uses geothermal heat energy from the earth to generate electricity, and the plant is equipped with advanced technology to maximize the production efficiency. The geothermal power plant has been designed to generate an estimated 17 MW of power, which will be used to meet the electricity demand of the nearby towns and villages. The plant has been operational since April 2020 and is expected to produce electricity for over 25 years.

The turbine and generator units installed at the Dora 4 geothermal plant are highly efficient and hi-tech. The plant is capable of producing more than 17 MW of power and thus is helping the region to cover the energy needs without any interruption . The plant operates with minimal environmental impact and has aided in establishing the credentials of Turkey in the geothermal energy space.

Powerplant Efeler Reviews

Efeler Geothermal Power Plant is located near the town of Efeler in Aydin Province, Turkey. The powerplant was commissioned in 2014 and has an installed capacity of 114MW. The powerplant is located at the coordinates of 37.8656 N, 27.6474 E, which is in the vicinity of the fault line near the Efeler Basin. The primary fuel source of the plant is geothermal energy, with water sourced from the Caybuku geothermal field. The plant is capable of producing approximately 494 Gigawatt-hours (GWh) of electrical energy per year, enough to power over 22,000 households.

The Efeler Geothermal Power Plant is being promoted by the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources to help reduce Turkey s reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation. The construction of the plant also helps to promote the utilization of renewable sources of energy, as well as reducing the environmental impacts associated with the production of energy from non-renewable sources, in particular, the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2).

Powerplant Galip Hoca Germencik Reviews

Galip Hoca Germencik is a geothermal power plant located in Germencik, a province of Turkey. The fuel type for Galip Hoca Germencik is Geothermal. The power plant has a capacity of 47 MW and was started in the year 2015 and is estimated to generate 50.4 GWh of electricity per annum. It is situated at coordinates 37.8845 North and 27.6304 East.

Geothermal energy is a renewable and sustainable source of energy. It utilizes the natural heat of the Earth instead of other sources of fuel. This energy has a minimal impact on the environment, as it does not require burning of any fossil fuels. Geothermal energy also eliminates air pollution and its characteristic smell, and generates electricity with practically no noise or vibration.

Galip Hoca Germencik is one of the most advanced geothermal power plants in the country. It is equipped with state of the art and modern machinery. The system installed by the power plant ensures the highest efficiency of the system and maximum utilization of the geothermal resources. The power plant also has an efficient and effective heat recovery system to provide efficient and reliable services.

Powerplant G m k y Reviews

G m k y Power Plant is a geothermal power plant located in G m k y, Turkey. The location of the powerplant is 37 85 34 N latitude and 27 46 58 E longitude. The plant has a capacity of 13 MW and generates energy from geothermal sources. The power plant commenced operations in 2018 and provides an estimated 10 MW of power to the neighboring areas.

G m k y Power Plant is an important part of Turkey’s renewable energy sector and is one of the largest geothermal power plants in the world. The plant operates by pumping hot water from geothermal reservoirs located deep underground and converting it into electricity. This energy can be used to power homes and businesses in nearby towns and villages. The facility is operated by the Geothermal Electricity Generation Company (GEG), which is owned by the Turkish government.

Powerplant Kizildere 2 Reviews

Kizildere 2 is a geothermal power plant located in Turkey. The powerplant has a total capacity of 80 MW and is located between the coordinates of 37.9499N and 28.8354E. It was commissioned in 2008 and has been estimated to produce a total of 790 GWh of electrical energy and it can help meet the energy needs of around 870,000 people. It is the second largest of its kind located on the environment-friendly Aegean Seaboard.

The power plant is based on the filtration of hot water extracted from about 16,000 meters beneath the Earth s crust, making it one of the deepest power plants in the world. This hot water is then used to drive Binary cycle turbines with steam being generated at a temperature greater than 250 C in order to generate electricity. The plant is part of the wider 52 MW Kizildere geothermal plant sites that are expected to generate a total power output of 3, 400 GWh by the end of 2018.

Powerplant K z ldere (Zorlu) Reviews

K z ldere (Zorlu) is a 15 MW geothermal power plant located in the K z ldere district in the city of Zorlu, Turkey. Its geographic coordinates are 37.9499 North, 28.8354 East. This power station started its operations in 2020 and it is estimated to produce a power output of 130 GWh per year, enough to meet the electricity needs of 70,000 homes in the area.

This geothermal power plant is a part of the country s renewable energy policy. It uses geothermal resources available in the region to generate electricity and reduce dependence on non-renewable sources of energy. This power plant is built in close accordance with stringent environmental standards set by the Turkish government. It is expected to improve the air quality of the area by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.

Powerplant Pamuk ren Reviews

Pamuk ren is a geothermal powerplant located near Bursa, Turkey. It is situated 37.9171 north latitude and 28.5297 east longitude. With a generation capacity of 68MW, it is the largest geothermal plant in Turkey and started up operations in January 2018.

The award-winning powerplant was credited for its ecologically friendly technologies and energy exchange system that bike-up 70% of the energy produced. It caters to the community of Bursa, using the local resources to generate a clean and renewable geothermal energy. It is estimated that the powerplant will produce over 530-gigawatt hours of electricity annually, enough to power around 35,000 households in the area.

Powerplant Pamuk ren 2 Reviews

Pamuk ren 2 is a geothermal power plant located at 37.9171 North and 28.5297 East. The powerplant has an installed capacity of 23 MW. Powerplant was constructed in 2019 and is estimated to generate 195,000 MWh of energy annually.

Geothermal energy is the primary fuel source of Pamuk ren 2. The plant aims to reduce its carbon footprint by using the natural hot springs that lie underneath to generate clean and renewable energy. Furthermore, the powerplant benefits from the favourable geothermal features and has a lower cost of production than traditional fossil fuel sources.

Pamuk ren 2 represents a great example of the potential of geothermal energy. The use of geothermal energy not only helps to reduce emissions from burning fossil fuels but also provides a reliable and consistent supply of electricity. The project is expected to not only benefit the local community by providing them with a reliable and renewables energy supply, but also to increase the country s ability to generate clean power.


Q1. What is the total installed capacity of geothermal power plants in Turkey?

A. As of 2020, the total installed geothermal capacity is about 73 MW in Turkey. Most of the geothermal power plants in the country are located in the western province of Denizli, with a share of 77%. Besides, 17.5 MW of the total geothermal capacity of the country are installed in the eastern province of Van, while 2.3 MW is installed in the Aegean province of Mu la.

Q2. How much geothermal energy is produced in Turkey?

A. In 2019, Turkey produced around 190 GWh of geothermal energy, accounting for less than 1% of the total energy production of the country. Geothermal energy is one of the most important sources of renewable energy in Turkey.

Q3. Are there any incentives in Turkey for geothermal power projects?

A. Yes, Turkey offers several incentives to promote geothermal power projects. These include generous feed-in tariffs, low-interest loans, and a certain degree of flexibility in tax regulations. These incentives are designed to encourage investments in geothermal projects and to create a favorable environment for further development of the geothermal industry.

Q4. Does Turkey have any geothermal projects under development?

A. Yes, several geothermal projects are currently under development in Turkey. For example, an 18 MW geothermal power project is being developed in Naip village, Manisa, Turkey. In Bal kesir, two geothermal power plants with a combined capacity of 23 MW are under development. The government of Turkey also announced plans to construct additional geothermal power plants in various regions of the country.

Q5. Are there any storage or transmission challenges with geothermal power plants in Turkey?

A. Geothermal power plants in Turkey do face some storage and transmission challenges. While geothermal energy can be stored and used such as in thermal pools, this cost is currently too high for most plants in Turkey. Moreover, transmission lines are often required for the transportation of geothermal energy, and this cost too is currently high in Turkey. These challenges need to be addressed in order for geothermal energy to play a larger role in the country’s energy mix.

I hope you like reading the above information on All Geothermal Power Plants in the Turkey, If you like it and anything to share then please let us know in the comments.

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