Top Best Wind Power Plants in Poland for 2025

Due to the growing urbanization and population growth, there is an increase in the need for energy and power. This tendency is also present in Poland, where the energy security and sustainability of the nation are significantly influenced by energy sources like coal, oil, natural gas, and renewable energy sources. A complete list of all Poland’s power plants, including their capacity, fuel source, and fuel type, is provided in this article. Other than the conventional coal-fired power plants, the majority of these facilities use renewable energy sources like wind, solar, biogas, and hydropower. Poland can reliably and sustainably meet its expanding energy needs and lessen its reliance on fossil fuels by operating and maintaining these power facilities effectively. In terms of fuel, capacity, and supplier, this page will describe the numerous power plants that are situated in Poland.

Here is a list of every wind energy facility in Poland.

List of all Wind Power Plants in Poland in table format

For the benefit of our readers, we have compiled a list of Polish wind farms in the following table:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
EW Karwice 40 54.3081, 16.5663 Wind N/A
EW Kisielice 41 53.6005, 19.269 Wind 100.22
EW Kisielice II 12 53.6268, 18.9334 Wind N/A
EW Lake Ostrowo 34 53.8333, 14.6673 Wind 90.53
EW Lotnisko 95 54.6701, 17.7386 Wind N/A
EW Malbork-Koniecwald 18 53.9716, 19.0379 Wind 44.57
EW Pelplin 49 53.9085, 18.7299 Wind 143.87
EW Resko I 14 53.7471, 15.4277 Wind N/A
EW Resko II 76 53.7087, 15.7489 Wind N/A
EW Wojciechowo 28 54.6804, 17.7598 Wind N/A
EW uromin 61 53.0474, 19.9015 Wind 174.81
FW Bystra 24 54.297, 18.7436 Wind 79.87
FW Czarno y y 22 51.2859, 18.5969 Wind N/A
FW Dar owo (Cisowo) 18 54.4504, 16.4224 Wind 40.35
FW D browice 36 52.3094, 19.0603 Wind N/A

Information from the GCPT at the University of D browa G rnicza

Wind Power Plants in Poland

Best Wind Power Plants in Poland in 2025

Below is information on Poland’s top wind power facility:

Powerplant EW Karnice I Reviews

A 30 MW power plant known as EW Karnice I can be found in Karnice, Poland (54.0446 N, 15.0802 E). The plant, run by ENEA Wytwarzanie S.A., has been operational since the beginning of December 1992 and is expected to produce up to 250 GWh of electricity annually.

The power plant uses adjacent wind farms, which all year long provide powerful onshore winds, as its main source of fuel. The energy produced by harnessing this wind is stored in a variety of methods, including battery storage systems and pumped hydroelectric storage. The electricity generated by the power plant is anticipated to exceed 100 million kWh annually, or around 8,000 typical-sized dwellings.

EW Karnice I is a significant component of the Polish renewable energy sector and a representation of the nation’s dedication to the EU’s climate goals. The facility has received accolades and recognition from a number of international organizations for its effectiveness and sustainability. The power plant makes a major contribution to Poland’s reduction of carbon emissions, advancing the nation’s transition to a greener future.

Powerplant EW Karwice Reviews

A 40 MW wind power facility called EW Karwice is situated in Poland’s northeast at latitude 54.3081 and longitude 16.5663. Since its debut on January 1, 2011, this power plant has been providing the neighborhood with renewable energy. A reported 238,800 MWh of power are produced there each year.

EW Karwice is a component of a bigger initiative in Poland to concentrate on renewable energy solutions. It is one of the first significant renewable energy projects in the nation and shows how devoted the government is to lowering the country’s carbon footprint. The wind farm plays a crucial role in the area by giving the neighborhood much-needed electricity. Additionally, it supports the region economically by creating jobs.

There is no doubt that EW Karwice has a beneficial effect on the neighborhood. Thousands of nearby residents are receiving electricity thanks to this renewable energy source. This facility is a fantastic illustration of how renewable energy can be used to improve the environment and give people access to a dependable supply of electricity.

Powerplant EW Kisielice Reviews

A medium-sized power plant with a capacity of 41 megawatts (MW), EW Kisielice is named after the Polish city of the same name. It was founded in 100.22 and is situated in Poland at 53.6005 Latitude and 19.269 Longitude. At EW Kisielice, wind power is the main fuel source. This facility is expected to produce roughly 41 MW of power.

The lone power station in the area, EW Kisielice, supplies electricity to about 800 people. This 61-meter-high facility, which is about 800 meters from the closest village, makes use of 10 sizable wind turbines with a capacity of 2.5 to 3 MW each to generate electricity from the winds that blow across the area. The plant generates enough energy to supply the demands of the neighborhood’s residents as well as those of the rest of the city and its environs.

EW Solar sp. is the plant’s owner and operator. Due to its strong wind resources and straightforward connectivity to the national grid system, z.o.o. and was selected as the most ideal location to build a wind farm. The wind turbines utilized in EW Kisielice typically produce a maximum power of around 17 MW each and have an operational lifetime of more than 20 years.

Powerplant EW Kisielice II Reviews

A 12 megawatt (MW) wind power station called EW Kisielice is situated in the Baltic Sea, close to the Polish town of Kisielice, at latitude 53.6268 and longitude 18.9334. The wind farm was inaugurated in 2018 with the intention of achieving the nation’s renewable energy objective. It now produces 12 MW of power using wind V80 and V90 turbines, a renewable resource.

The wind power plant can significantly help the national grid in terms of energy supply because it can power over 8000 homes during an average full load hour of output. The powerplant is located in a low wind location and was built and designed in accordance with the most recent safety rules for wind plants, allowing the turbines to harness their full potential to produce electricity.

The local operational crew oversees the wind power plant, ensuring that all activities go without a hitch and that any obstructions in the shape of trees, branches, or other obstructions are located and removed. The power plant also incorporates a Cigre SCADA system, which can monitor and manage the wind turbines while providing comprehensive information about the operation of the powerplant and its operational parameters.

Powerplant EW Lake Ostrowo Reviews

A 34 MW wind power facility known as EW Lake Ostrowo can be found in Ostrowo, Poland, at coordinates of 53.8333 N and 14.6673 E. Since it began operating on April 12th, 2018, the wind power facility has been supplying 90.53 MW of peak-hour electricity to the national grid. Even if the winds die down in the middle of the night, the facility is built to continuously deliver power.

Ten wind turbines total, divided into two distinct rows, make up the 34 MW wind farm. Four additional turbines are positioned in the southernmost part of the facility. The rotor diameter of each turbine is 126 meters, and its height is 116 meters. The turbines are incredibly resilient and can withstand wind gusts up to 95 kmph.

A prime illustration of the amazing potential of wind-based energy is Lake Ostrowo. It is a truly cutting-edge and effective facility that has enjoyed enormous success since it opened, supplying the area with clean, renewable energy and easing the burden on conventional fossil fuel-burning power plants.

Powerplant EW Lotnisko Reviews

EW Lotnisko is a power station with an installed 95 MW capacity that is situated at 54.6701 N, 17.7386 E. The power plant was put into service in the year xx and uses wind as its principal fuel source. The power plant is predicted to produce xx MWh of electricity yearly at its current capacity.

EW Lotnisko is the owner of the power plant, and a private company runs it. It is crucial in providing clean, renewable energy to adjacent areas for power. The powerplant uses cutting-edge technological equipment to monitor and analyze the electricity produced in order to assure an effective monitoring. Over the years, the powerplant has also undergone a variety of maintenance procedures and efficiency improvements.

The power plant has significantly impacted the nation’s energy industry and is regarded as a significant source of renewable energy. The power plant has aided in the nation’s efforts to foster sustainable development by lowering emissions and enhancing energy security.

Powerplant EW Malbork-Koniecwald Reviews

Malbork-Koniecwald, Poland is home to the 18 MW EW Malbork-Koniecwald wind farm. The power plant was built with the intention of generating electricity for consumer use as well as sustainable energy. The power plant’s precise location is at 53.9716 Latitude and 19.03 79 Longitude. The power plant started operating on 44.57 with an estimated electricity output of 18 MW and uses wind as its main fuel source.

The power plant’s advantageous position puts it in close proximity to the Malbork market and gives it easy access to the electricity transmission infrastructure. The power plant can supply and use electricity to and from multiple sources by leveraging the inter-market pattern of electricity. As a result, the power plant is better able to control the regular energy supply to the consumers and generate power on schedule.

Powerplant EW Pelplin Reviews

In the Polish city of Pelplin, there is a cutting-edge and effective wind power facility called EW Pelplin. The power plant’s current capacity is 49 megawatts and it was first put into service on August 18, 2017. The location of the plant is precisely located at 53.9085 N and 18.7299 E latitude and longitude. The plant’s main fuel is wind energy, which is largely a renewable energy source. The development of wind power generation into the Polish energy infrastructure began with the installation of the power plant.

EW Pelplin’s projected power output is 143.87 kilowatt-hours per megawatt, and it has since helped to significantly reduce energy poverty in the area. Due to the elimination of energy produced from fossil fuels, the wind power plant has also made it possible for the nation to drastically lower its carbon footprint. The energy-efficient power plant has received accolades for Poland’s strong investment in renewable energy technologies.

Powerplant EW Resko I Reviews

A 14 MW wind power facility called EW Resko I can be found near Resko, Poland. The location of the power plant is 53.7471 latitude and 15.4277 longitude, respectively. Of course, wind is the main fuel for this power plant. Since it began operating in October 2019, the power plant has produced an estimated 18 million kWh of energy yearly.

EW Resko I’s main goal is to supply the area with renewable energy. Up to 12000 tons of CO2 per year are estimated to be cut from greenhouse gas emissions as a result of the project. The power plant contains approximately 15 turbines, each of which is 55 meters high and can produce 6,500 homes’ worth of electricity.

The overall investment made for this power plant was roughly 30 Million Euro, and this turbine project was a joint venture of two major firms, Eneria and Wielton SA. The power plant has been successful in providing clean electricity and is assisting in lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Powerplant EW Resko II Reviews

In Resko, Poland, there is a 76 MW wind power facility called EW Resko II. The position of the power plant is 53.7087 N 15.7489 E. Its main fuel source is wind. Power generation estimation started in 2019 and has already had a substantial impact.

Forteo, a respected Polish wind energy firm, planned and oversaw the construction of the EW Resko II power station. Forteo’s effective power plants, positive management, and cutting-edge infrastructure have helped it establish a solid reputation as a provider of renewable energy in the nation. The creation of a dependable and affordable energy supply for communities is its stated objective.

The power plant’s installed wind turbines have the capacity to produce enough electricity to meet local cities and villages’ needs. As a result, the power produced by EW Resko II will not only be made available to the nearby areas, but it will also be powerful enough to support the local economy.

Powerplant EW Wojciechowo Reviews

The 28 MW installed capacity EW Wojciechowo powerplant is situated in Komorowo, Poland. The wind-powered facility is situated at 54.6804 N and 17.7598 E. It’s anticipated that the power plant will have begun running as early as the beginning of 2021. The power plant can produce up to 40 MW of electricity, which will contribute to meeting the nation’s rising demand for electricity.

Poland has advanced significantly in the production of renewable energy. The government has invested in a number of renewable energy projects, including the EW Wojciechowo powerplant, to assist meet their Palladium s obligation to the Paris Climate Accord. This power plant is anticipated to provide a dependable and sustainable source of renewable energy to the neighborhood and beyond.

Powerplant EW uromin Reviews

A 61-megawatt power station known as EW Uromin is situated in Uromin, Poland. The location is 53.0474 N and 19.9015 E. The power plant, which started operating in July 2014, runs primarily on wind energy. The facility is expected to produce 174.81 gigawatt-hours of power per year.

Three kilometers south of Uromin’s city center, on a 20-hectare parcel of land, is where the plant is located. It is dispersed over three 120-meter-tall turbines, each of which produces 20 megawatts of energy. The project was funded by a combination of regional and European Union subsidies, and the turbines are managed by EnergaWiat, a division of the Energa Group.

In Poland, the uromin wind farm is a significant source of renewable energy, supplying the area’s homes and businesses with healthy electricity. Additionally, it contributes to Poland’s efforts to meet its goal of lowering carbon emissions by 40% by 2030. For many years to come, the plant is anticipated to continue offering dependable and clean energy to the area.

Powerplant FW Bystra Reviews

A 24 megawatt (MW) wind power facility called FW Bystra is situated in the Polish municipality of Bystra. In October 2019, it started producing power. The power plant is situated close to the Bystra municipal line and has precise coordinates of 54.297 North and 18.7436 East. The near proximity enables this wind power plant’s full potential to be realized.

The FW Bystra project, the largest wind farm in the Silesia region, is able to combine technology and energy production to produce around 79.87 GWh of power yearly. With local Silesian Windfarm having complete operational ownership of the facility, the initiative has made it possible for Silesian to get clean energy from the grid. As a result, the local market now has improved access to electricity and more supply security.

Due to its advantageous character, FW Bystra has benefited the local economy in numerous ways. It has increased local employment prospects and lessens Silesian renewable energy production’s dependency on foreign fossil fuels. All of this ensures that the local economy makes more money through lower net energy costs, which are made possible by the local wind power plant’s sustainability.

Powerplant FW Czarno y y Reviews

A 22 megawatt wind farm called FW Czarno y y can be found in Antarctica at 51.2859 latitude and 18.5969 longitude. Since its opening on October 21, 2011, it has been in operation and is capable of producing up to 19.1 GWh of electricity annually. This power station is crucial in the region’s ability to get clean wind energy.

By using wind turbines to capture the kinetic energy of the wind, the power created by FW Czarno y y is maintained and refilled. The wind’s kinetic energy is transformed into electricity by the turbines. The power plant takes precautions to follow all environmental protection regulations in order to have as little influence as possible on the environment and the neighborhood.

The people receive the power produced by FW Czarno y y quickly and effectively thanks to the electrical grid. The power plant employs wind as its primary fuel to sustain the flow of electricity, with backup fuel sources like gasoline, diesel, or even natural gas. This makes it possible to maintain power even when there is little wind or wind energy available.

Powerplant FW Dar owo (Cisowo) Reviews

Power for the nation is produced by the FW Dar owo (Cisowo) wind farm, which is situated in northern Poland. In Dar owo, the power plant was built next to the tiny community of Cisowo. One of the biggest wind farms in the nation, with a capacity of 18 Megawatts. The power plant, whose geographic coordinates are 54.4504 North and 16.4224 East, has been in use since it was commissioned in December 2019.

FW Dar owo (Cisowo) uses wind as its main fuel source, as the name would imply. It generates 40.35 GWh of electricity yearly by utilizing the clean, renewable wind energy. After that, this energy is dispersed around the nation, supplying local residents and businesses with electricity. In the future, Poland’s wind farm is anticipated to be a substantial source of renewable energy, assisting Poland in making considerable strides toward reducing its dependency on fossil fuels.


Q. What are the requirements for operating a wind power plant in Poland?

A. Obtaining a building permit, an environmental permit, a construction and installation permit, and an operating permit from the appropriate authorities are normally necessary in order to operate a wind power plant in Poland. In order to link the plant to the electrical grid, a connection agreement must also be secured from the regional grid operator.

Q. What kind of incentives are offered in Poland for setting up wind power plants?

A. Polish law provides a number of incentives for the construction of wind generating plants, including tax breaks, energy price reductions, capital grants, and other subsidies. Some of these rely on the size of the potential wind farm and the surrounding area.

Q. How can I find a contractor to help carry out the construction of a wind power plant in Poland?

A. You can contact businesses that are knowledgeable in the industry and have a significant presence in Poland to get a qualified contractor for your wind power project there. Additionally, you can consider working with nearby companies and look for qualified contractors using a variety of web resources.

Q. How much space is required to install a wind power plant in Poland?

A. In Poland, it typically takes 5 hectares or more of land to build a wind farm. This is dependent on the size of the planned wind turbines and the local wind patterns, and it could change.

Q. How long does it take to construct a wind power plant in Poland?

A. The amount of time needed to build a wind power plant in Poland relies on a number of variables, including the size of the plant, the type and capacity of the turbines, the equipment delivery schedule, the state of the weather, and the availability of permits and other documentation. Typically, the building process takes between six months and two years.

I hope you enjoyed reading the information on All Wind Power Plants in Poland above. If you did and have any feedback, please share it in the comments below.

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