Top Best Geothermal Power Plants in Iceland for 2025

The North Atlantic Ocean is home to the island nation of Iceland. With only about 350,000 inhabitants, it is one of the least populous nations in all of Europe. Iceland’s climate is cold and temperate with brief mild summers because to its closeness to the Arctic Circle and the Gulf Stream. Due to Iceland’s abundance of water and the country’s ideal energy production conditions, geothermal and hydropower have historically accounted for a large portion of the country’s electrical supply. The power plants in Iceland are listed in this article. It offers details about the kind of power plant, where it is, how much electricity it produces, and when it was first put into service. The list also offers an update on the plant’s present capacity and any active construction projects. This list is beneficial for anyone looking to invest in or locate in an energy business in Iceland who is interested in the renewable energy sources that are accessible.

The list of all Icelandic geothermal power stations is provided below.

List of all Geothermal Power Plants in Iceland in table format

For the benefit of our readers, we have compiled a list of Iceland’s geothermal power plants in the table below:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
Hellishei i 213 64.0373, -21.4007 Geothermal N/A
Krafla 60 65.7035, -16.7735 Geothermal N/A
Nesjavellir 120 64.1081, -21.2567 Geothermal N/A
Reykjanes 100 63.8251, -22.6848 Geothermal N/A
Svartsengi 76 63.8788, -22.4332 Geothermal N/A

Data source: WRI

Best Geothermal Power Plants in Iceland in 2025

Below is information about Iceland’s top geothermal power plants:

Powerplant Bjarnarflag Reviews

The coordinates of the 3 MW Bjarnarflag power plant are 65.6408 latitude and -16.8565 longitude. It started operating in November of last year and is fuelled by geothermal energy. It is estimated to produce 5,967 MWh of electricity yearly.

Because of the numerous hot springs that can be found in the vulkan where the power station is situated, Bjarnarflag’s main fuel source is geothermal energy. The facility also employs cogeneration, making use of the remaining heat from the turbines to produce more energy. Bjarnarflag is now among the most effective and economical power plants in the area as a result of this.

In addition to providing electricity to nearby high load-consuming industrial and commercial establishments, Bjarnarflag also generates power for residential consumption. The power plant has also made it possible for the town of Bjarnarflag to achieve energy independence because Bjarnarflag has established itself as a dependable energy source. The power plant has grown to play a crucial role in the local economy throughout time.

Powerplant Hellishei i Reviews

The name of an Icelandic geothermal power plant is Hellishei i powerplant. The power plant has a 213 MW installed capacity and has been in operation since June 1998, when construction first began. It is situated at longitude 21.4007 W and latitude 64.0373 N. The plant uses steam from a nearby volcanic area as its principal source of geothermal fuel, providing 75–80% of its energy.

This facility, which generates around 26% of Iceland’s total electricity, is the largest geothermal power plant in the world. It has been calculated that the power plant will produce 1,425 GWh of electricity every year. It has four geothermal wells with a combined 75 MW capacity, producing a total of about 360 tonnes of steam per hour.

District heating is also used in Hellishei I. It uses up to 85% of its geothermal heat for district heating and hot water, giving the local households and businesses a practical, carbon-free energy option. Overall, the power plant helps Iceland maintain its position as a global pioneer in the production of low-carbon energy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Powerplant Krafla Reviews

Iceland’s Krafla geothermal power facility is situated next to the Krafla volcano. It has been in use since 1977 and is thought to have a 60 MW generating capacity. The plant and the related infrastructure are situated at coordinates 65.7035 N and 16.7735 W, covering a total area of 12.4 square kilometers. The main source of energy for this power plant is geothermal energy, which is drawn from the nearby volcanic region using a combination of drilling and pumping methods.

The region surrounding Krafla has been acknowledged as a productive geothermal resource, and it is predicted that the plant’s annual power output might be as high as 500 GWh. As a result, the facility would be able to supply roughly 15-20% of Iceland’s overall electricity demand. Although the plant now runs on a fairly small scale, it has been suggested that it might be enlarged in the future should the region’s need for electricity dramatically increase.

Powerplant Nesjavellir Reviews

With a 120MW overall capacity, the Nesjavellir power plant is Iceland’s biggest geothermal power source. It may be found at 64.1081 latitude and -21.2567 longitude in Iceland’s southwest. Since January 8th, 2012, the power plant has been supplying electricity to residential houses, as well as to industrial and commercial buildings, with a capacity to produce enough energy to power around 120,000 homes.Through a unique procedure that makes use of the geothermal resource located beneath the earth’s crust, the Nesjavellir plant is able to produce electricity. This method involves taking warm water from the earth’s geothermal reservoirs and flashing it into steam, which then drives the turbines to produce electricity. After that, the hot water is injected once more into the ground. This kind of resource-based electricity generation lowers the nation’s carbon impact while still facilitating commercial and construction activity. Additionally, it is renewable, so there is no need to be concerned about the supply running out.

Powerplant Reykjanes Reviews

Reykjanes is a unique geothermal power station with a 100 MW capacity that is situated in the southwest of Iceland at the coordinates 63.8251 & -22.6848. It was constructed at Reykjanesb r, close to Keflavik International Airport, by Reykjavik Energy (Orkuveita Reykjavikur). On January 1, 2021, the expected power production will begin. Geothermal energy, a renewable energy source, is the main fuel used by the power plant to produce electricity.

The main source of energy came from a geothermal power plant in Iceland. This renewable energy source is sourced from wells that reach temperatures of about 350 degrees Celsius, where volcanic activity produces superheated fluid and steam from deep inside the ground. It has been utilized for many years in Iceland, where it currently supplies about 25% of the nation’s energy needs. Reykjanes has adapted and put into practice new technologies and innovative techniques to boost geothermal drilling and operation in order to increase this production.

This powerplant’s annual expansion in power capacity and production using its principal fuel is anticipated to be significant. With its expanded output, this power plant will work to introduce new, affordable, environmentally friendly, and sustainable energy options to the energy markets. The energy grid’s capacity reserve will increase with consistent geothermal power generation from Reykjanes.

Powerplant Svartsengi Reviews

Iceland’s first geothermal power plant, Svartsengi, was built in 1976 and is situated at 63.8788 latitude and -22.4332 longitude. The nearby Svartsengi geothermal field provides steam to the 76 megawatt power station.

The 18 producing wells at Svartsengi produce steam at a rate of 180 liters per second of depletion. The steam is split into two parts: 25% is utilized to give hot water to surrounding towns and other locations, and the remaining 75% is used to produce electricity.

Throughout the year, the Svartsengi power plant is operational around-the-clock. One of the most productive geothermal plants in the world, the plant generated about 910 gigawatt-hours of power in 2016. It provides electricity to about 7,500 homes, and its yearly CO2 emissions are expected to be fewer than 20,000 tons.


Q. What are the types of geothermal power plants in Iceland?

A. Dry steam plants and flash steam plants, both of which have two primary systems—a binary cycle plant and a binary cycle power plant—are the two basic types of geothermal power plants utilized in Iceland. Dry steam plants use steam stored in subsurface reservoirs to directly power turbines. On the other hand, flash steam plants make use of hot subsurface water that is evaporated to drive turbines.

Q. How effective is geothermal energy in Iceland?

A. Iceland uses geothermal energy quite effectively. Iceland is the only nation in the world fueled nearly entirely by renewable energy sources because of its location above a hotspot, where it can exploit enormous geothermal energy supplies. Geothermal energy accounts for around 26% of the nation’s major energy needs and offers a secure, sustainable, and clean source of energy.

Q. What is the cost of geothermal power plant projects in Iceland?

A. The price of building a geothermal power plant in Iceland varies according to the size of the facility and its surroundings. Although additional investments must be made, these projects are typically among the most economically advantageous energy projects in the nation. They are also among the most effective and efficient in terms of energy output.

Q. What are the benefits of geothermal energy in Iceland?

A. Iceland benefits greatly from geothermal energy. It is a clean energy source that decreases dependency on costly fossil fuel imports and is dependable and predictable. A sustainable, renewable resource, geothermal energy benefits Iceland’s economy, environment, and energy security.

Q. Are there restrictions on geothermal activities in Iceland?

A. In Iceland, geothermal activities are subject to a number of limitations and rules. The Icelandic Geological Survey is in charge of awarding drilling permits for geothermal exploration and overseeing the drilling of heat extraction wells. There are other rules that govern things like water consumption, emissions, and other environmental protection measures.

I hope you enjoyed reading the information about All Icelandic Geothermal Power Plants above. If you did and have any feedback, please share it in the comments below.

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