Top Best Coal Power Plants in Turkey for 2025

An extensive list of all the power plants in Turkey that are currently in operation can be found in this article. The directory is arranged geographically and contains facts on the kind of power plant (nuclear, coal, hydroelectric, or gas), as well as its capacity and other pertinent information. Presently, every plant on the list is in operation. In order to lessen its reliance on fuel and electricity imports, Turkey intends to increase the amount of energy it can produce. Several new power plants are anticipated to come online in the upcoming years. Policy makers, industry professionals, investors, and anyone looking to learn more about the Turkish energy market can all benefit from this list. It will offer a thorough rundown of Turkey’s present energy situation.

The list of all Turkish coal-fired power plants is provided below.

List of all Coal Power Plants in Turkey in table format

We have made the following table, which includes a list of Turkey’s coal-fired power plants, for the convenience of our readers:

Powerplant Name PowerPlant Capacity(MW) Power Plant Location via to Latitude and Longitude Fuel Type- Primary Estimated Power Generation(GWH)
Bolu G yn k power station 270 40.2514, 30.8129 Coal N/A
Cenal power station 1320 40.4167, 27.3183 Coal N/A
Kangal power station 537 39.0774, 37.2958 Coal N/A
Kemerk y power station 630 37.0354, 27.9011 Coal N/A
K tahya 50 41.51, 31.9 Coal N/A
Orhaneli power station 210 39.9502, 28.8709 Coal N/A
Polat power station 51 39.616, 29.4429 Coal N/A
Seyit mer power station 600 39.5736, 29.8822 Coal N/A
Soma power station 990 39.1953, 27.6357 Coal N/A
Tun bilek K tahya power station 365 39.6285, 29.4623 Coal N/A
Yata an power station 630 37.3317, 28.1017 Coal N/A
Yenik y power station 420 37.1405, 27.8719 Coal N/A
Yunus Emre Termik Santrali 145 39.9839, 31.6349 Coal N/A
Zonguldak Eren (ZETES) 2090 41.5035, 31.8875 Coal N/A
an-1 power station 320 40.0232, 26.9768 Coal N/A

Information Source: GEODB, GCPT, WRI, and Wiki-Solar

Best Coal Power Plants in Turkey in 2025

Below is information on Turkey’s top coal-fired power plant:

Powerplant Af in Elbistan Termik Santrali Reviews

With a capacity of 2795 MW, Af in Elbistan Termik Santrali is a thermal power plant situated in Af, Turkey. The power plant is precisely located at 38.3537 latitude and 36.981 longitude. Coal, the main fuel utilized in power generation, is the fuel type used by the facility. It has been producing energy since 1991, and its yearly output is estimated to be about 9 million GWh.

The Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission Co. (TE A) owns and operates Elbistan Termik Santrali Af, the country’s largest thermal power plant. Although it was first set up to provide electricity for the nearby industrial zone, it is currently utilized nationwide. The facility is made up of two 660MW lignite coal-fired units and six 462MW thermal units. When combined, these units provide about 2795MW of power, which is sufficient to power about a million homes.

Powerplant Bolu G yn k power station Reviews

The 270 megawatt Bolu G yn K power station is a coal-fired power plant situated in Bolu, Turkey’s Akcakoca district. The power plant is located on the southwest shore of the Black Sea, with coordinates of 41.2114N longitude and 30.8129E latitude. The power plant, which started producing electricity in November 2015, runs mostly on coal and can generate 62 gigawatt hours of electricity annually.

It is furnished with an Alstom turbine-generator combination and a circulating fluidized bed boiler. In order to comply with the 2011 Turkish Air Quality Regulations and manage emissions, the power plant is further outfitted with an electrostatic precipitator. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions, along with other pollutants from burning coal, are anticipated to decrease with the construction of the Bolu Gyn K power station.

Powerplant Cenal power station Reviews

The 1320 MW coal-fired Cenal Power Station may be found at 40.4167, 27.3183 in coordinates. It started operating commercially in April 2011 and is Turkey’s largest thermal power plant. Coal is the plant’s main fuel, although it also has heavy fuel oil and natural gas on hand as backup fuel.

Cenal Power Station is able to provide clean, dependable power in an efficient and safe manner by utilizing the most recent energy production technology. When generating power from primary fuel, it has a mechanical efficiency of 39.37% and an efficiency of 32.92%. The power station can produce 1320 MW of electricity in total.

It is estimated that Cenal Power Station produces 128.4 GWh of electricity per year. It is a major energy source for the Black Sea region and primarily serves it. With almost 5% of Turkey’s total electric power capacity coming from it, it is one of the biggest power plants in the nation.

Powerplant Kangal power station Reviews

Turkey’s Kangal Power Station is a 537 Megawatt installed capacity power plant situated in the Sivas province. This power station is located at latitude 39.0774 and longitude 37.2958. Coal is the main fuel utilized in the power plant. It was launched in 2011 and has operated profitably ever since.

KDD is the owner of Kardemir Karabuk Demir Celik Sanayi TAS, which operates the Kangal power station. An estimated 2 million tons of lignite are used annually to provide enough electricity to meet the region’s power needs. The adjacent River Korhan provides the water for the cooling system.

The power plant is expected to generate 4.14 TWH of energy annually. It is now Turkey’s biggest lignite-fired generating station in terms of power output. The plant’s turbines, boiler, auxiliaries, and electrical equipment need to be regularly maintained and inspected in order to sustain a steady flow of energy.

Powerplant Kemerk y power station Reviews

Turkey’s easternmost point is home to the 630 megawatt (MW) coal-fired Kemerk y Power Station. The power plant started operating in 2011 and is situated at 37.0354 latitude and 27.9011 longitude. It is one of the biggest power plants in the nation and is mainly powered by coal, with gas-fired generating serving as a backup.

There are six 105 MW pulverized coal-fired units at Kemerky Power Station that are used to generate energy. The facility uses a combination of indigenous and imported hard coal to generate its 630 MW total capacity. Low-NOx controls are also installed in the facility to lower air emissions.

Powerplant K tahya Reviews

49 kilometers separate K tahya in western Turkey from Bursa. This power plant can produce 50 megawatts of energy. Utilizing coal as its primary fuel source, the facility is located at 41.51 latitude and 31.9 longitude.

The K Tahya Power Plant started producing electricity on March 1st, 2005, and it is expected to supply the area with at least 45 megawatts of power annually, the most of which will come from coal-fired electrical generating.

The facility uses clean coal technology and treats wastewater, two of the most recent environmental initiatives. As a result, the facility’s emissions are constantly monitored to make sure that dangerously high levels of air pollution don’t affect the environment and it stays clean.

Powerplant Orhaneli power station Reviews

Situated in Orhaneli, Turkey, the Orhaneli Power Station is a 210 megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station. It is located in latitude 39.9502 and longitude 28.8709. Coal, which was previously imported from South Africa and India, powers the facility. It is anticipated to produce about 12.4 TWh of power yearly, having started operations in 2010.

The power plant operates in compliance with environmental requirements of the European Union by producing energy through the use of thermal power. To reduce its negative effects on the environment, it makes use of a number of technologies, such as flue-gas desulfurization, noise reduction techniques, and dust filtration systems. To lower the amount of pollutants and particulate matter released into the atmosphere, the power plant has two sizable chimneys. Additionally, two 400kV high-voltage transmission lines connect the power plant to the country’s electrical system.

Turkey’s population depends heavily on the Orhaneli Power Station to supply them with inexpensive, dependable electricity. It enhances economic activity, helps create jobs, and promotes sustainability in addition to the nation’s energy security. Due to air pollution, the facility also endangers the health of those who live nearby, increasing the risk of respiratory ailments. Because of this, the facility must keep enforcing strict environmental laws to make sure that its activities are safe and sustainable for the local population’ health.

Powerplant Polat power station Reviews

The Polat Power Station is a facility in Adapazari, Turkey, that generates energy. It was put into service in 2008 and has a 51 MW overall capacity. It is one of the few coal-fired power stations in the nation; hydroelectricity and natural gas-fired thermal power plants produce the majority of Turkey’s electricity. Coal from neighboring coal mines powers the power plant, which also makes use of effective technology like flue-gas desulfurization.

The approximate latitude and longitude of the power plant are 39.616 and 29.4429, respectively. According to estimates, the power plant can produce roughly 245 GWh of electricity a year since it opened. Coal serves as the primary fuel for the power plant, with natural gas being used as a backup fuel. Turkish Electricity Generation corporation (TEIAS), the state-owned energy corporation, owns and operates the Polat power station through its subsidiary, Polat Energy.

Powerplant Seyit mer power station Reviews

The Seyit mer power station is situated near the Western Turkish town of Kamare, with approximate GPS coordinates of 39.5736 and 29.8822 for latitude and longitude. The power plant, which began operations in 2019, uses coal as its primary fuel and has a 600 megawatt electrical output capacity. It is a sizable facility that mostly supplies active power to the country’s neighboring populous area.

With the most up-to-date equipment to boost efficiency and lower emissions, the power plant plays a crucial role in supplying the neighborhood with a steady supply of electricity. Its cutting-edge turbines and boilers guarantee the economical and effective production of electricity. Additionally, the plant uses specialized dampers to reduce noise levels coming from the building. Additionally, the Seyitmer power plant is connected to a number of transmission lines that allow it to send energy to other regions of the nation.

Powerplant Soma power station Reviews

990 megawatts of coal-fired power can be found in the Soma power station in Turkey. The building was constructed in 39.1953 latitude and 27.6357 longitude, with coal serving as the main fuel source. The power plant’s construction was finished in 2016 after starting in 2012. Since then, the power station has produced between 814 and 876 GWh of electricity yearly.

Since Soma Power Station is Turkey’s largest coal-fired power plant, it plays a significant role in the country’s electrical grid. Though it has been known to reach maximum capacity before its scheduled operation hours, the facility can load up to 990 megawatts of power at any given moment. This is because it has strong thermal insulation, which prevents overheating of the coal and other parts and enables it to run for longer periods of time.

Modern emission control technologies installed on the power plant help lessen the quantity of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere. In order to protect both the environment and the safety of its workers, the factory is also subject to stringent restrictions. The modern technology and efficient capabilities of the Soma power station make it a valuable energy source for Turkey.

Powerplant Tun bilek K tahya power station Reviews

Turkey’s K Tahya province is home to the 365 megawatt (MW) coal-fired Tun Bilek K Tahya Power Station. The plant uses coal as its main fuel and is located at latitude 39.6285 and longitude 29.4623. Under Enerjisa Dis Ticaret’s ownership and management.

The plant, which is the second-largest coal-fired facility in the K tahya region, was put into service in January 2009. An estimated 3.1 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of power are produced there annually. With the Tun Bilek K Tahya Power Station’s commissioning, Turkey has achieved its aim of having more than 60,000 MW of installed generation capacity overall.

Powerplant Yata an power station Reviews

Located near Yataan, Turkey, Yata An Power Station is a 630 megawatt coal-fired power plant. Its coordinates are latitude 28.1017 and longitude 37.3317. Coal is the power plant’s main fuel source. It started operating in 2011. The power plant is thought to be able to generate about 4200 gigawatt-hours of electricity annually.

An essential part of supplying electricity to the Turkish grid is the Yata a Power Station. It contributes to ensuring energy security and is a crucial component of the nation’s energy policy. It has a good impact on local development in addition to supplying electricity by giving residents job possibilities. The power plant also boosts the local economy by creating new business opportunities and improving the infrastructure.

Powerplant Yenik y power station Reviews

Turkey’s Yenik y power station is a 420 megawatt (MW) coal-fired power facility. Since its construction in 2009, the plant has started producing power. The plant’s six 70 MW units together create 420 MW of total capacity. The main fuel is coal, which is transported by train from China. The Yenik y Group owns and runs the Yenik y power station, which can be found at 37.1405 N and 27.8719 E.

Major Turkish cities receive power from the Yenik y power station via a high voltage transmission network. This aids in supplying families and businesses around the nation with dependable, reasonably priced electricity. The factory also has emission controls to reduce its influence on the environment. These consist of low-NOx burners, a sulfur dioxide scrubber, and a baghouse to regulate particle emissions.

Powerplant Yunus Emre Termik Santrali Reviews

Turkey is home to the power plant Yunus Emre Termik Santrali. With a 145 MW capacity, this power station is located at 39.9839 latitude and 31.6349 longitude. Coal is the main fuel utilized in this power plant. Since it started operating in 2009, this plant has produced an estimated 797 gigawatt-hours of power. Yunus Emre Termik Santrali’s mission is to supply the area with dependable, clean energy. It has put many cutting-edge technology into practice to guarantee that power is produced affordably and with the least amount of negative environmental impact. For instance, it has made use of a variety of parts that allow it to efficiently process and keep track of the plant’s emissions. To further cut emissions, it has also shifted to advanced low-sulfur coal.

Powerplant Zonguldak Eren (ZETES) Reviews

Zonguldak Eren (ZETES) is a 2090 megawatt (MW) coal-fired power station that is situated in Zonguldak, Turkey. The approximate coordinates of the ZETES coal power plant are 41.5035 degrees north latitude and 31.8875 degrees east longitude. It started producing electricity in June 2003, and its yearly power production rate is anticipated to be 11,853 Gigawatt-hours (GWh). The power plant’s main fuel source is coal.

For the domestic market in the nation, Zetes produces the majority of the power. The Energy Market Regulatory Authority, a body established by the Turkish government in 2001, is the owner and operator of the facility. It serves about 34 percent of Turkey’s population with electricity. ZETES, a coal-fired power station of considerable size, generates more than one percent of the nation’s total electricity.


Q1. What is the share of coal in the total energy mix in Turkey?

A. Turkey’s energy needs are mostly met by coal, which accounts for around 37% of the country’s entire energy mix. The incapacity of the nation to produce sustainable power from renewable sources is expected to cause this share to rise even more in the upcoming years.

Q2. Where are most of Turkey s coal power plants located?

A. Turkey’s western and central regions are home to the majority of the nation’s coal-fired power plants. This is mostly because these areas have an abundance of coal resources.

Q3. What is the average thermal efficiency of most coal plants in Turkey?

A. In Turkey, the majority of coal-fired power plants have an efficiency of about 38% on average. Compared to the global average of 44%, this is lower. This is mostly because Turkey’s coal power plants employ outdated technology.

Q4. How has the use of coal in Turkey impacted air quality?

A. Turkey’s air quality has suffered greatly as a result of the country’s extensive reliance on coal-fired power plants for the production of electricity. The emissions from coal-fired power plants have led to a major increase in air pollution in places such as Istanbul. Many people have experienced multiple health issues as a result of this.

Q5. What efforts are being taken by the Turkish government to reduce the environmental impact of coal power plants?

A. To lessen the impact of coal power plants on the environment, the Turkish government has taken a number of actions. This include making investments in cleaner coal technologies, upgrading the emissions-control systems on currently operating coal plants, and encouraging the use of renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this information about all of Turkey’s coal-fired power plants. If you do, please leave a remark.

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